View Full Version : convinced I have mouth cancer

01-03-16, 19:04
Im a 28 year old living in England. My issue started a month ago. I woke up to find a lump on the inside of my cheek. I vaguely remember accidentally biting my cheek hard on a night out the night before my discovery and my doctor thinks that was probably what happened.

After googling my symptom, countless mouth cancer articles sprang up which made me fixate on my problem. I checked the top of my tongue and found a tiny bump. Which I can best describe as a little breadcrumb glued to my tongue. This scared me even more.
Then I started getting a soreness on the roof of my mouth and back of throat and also a burning sensation sometimes.

I went back to the doctor and he seemed pissed off, like I didn't listen to him last time when he said my lump was nothing to worry about. I showed him the thing on my tongue which he said was an enlarged papillae. And he reluctantly gave me an ent appointment for April.

Again my obsessive googling/research kicked in and I kept reading about how enlarged papillae are usually painful and mine wasn't.
I saw three other doctors and they said the same as the first. I then saw a dentist (obviously the better option..) she pretty much said the same thing but when I said that had burning in my tongue she said she'd have a look at my tongue again for the next appointment and if she wasn't happy shed refer me to a specialist (that possibility terrified me)

I haven't had the soreness and burning for 3 weeks now. Perhaps it was stress/burning mouth syndrome. But I still have a bit of that lump and a line on my other cheek has now become a lump. I thought maybe I have nocturnal bruxism because I do have scalloped tongue but who knows..It night be a fibroma which I've read needs to be surgically removed. What annoys me is they don't seem to care. This is so abnormal but I can't even get them swabbed.

I think the reason I've got particularly stressed out about this is because I have a habit of binge drinking at the weekend and I engaged in oral sex a week before all this happened (hpv can lead to mouth cancer, especially at the base of the tongue where my breadcrumb eque thing is.
Also I've read how these cancers are usually symptomless and hard to diagnose early so I have this fear of being diagnosed late and having stage 4 cancer.

I'm not sure what to do now. Like I said my ent appointment isn't til April and my next dentist appointment is next Wednesday. But that's for a filling. I'm tempted to make an emergency appointment about this new lump on the inside of my right cheek. (I'm able to have free emergency appointments because I'm undergoing a treatment course (not related to the lump)

21-03-16, 12:58
If it's cancer your dentist will be able to pick it up. I've currently got this fear due to having several ulcers for two weeks. I've seen two doctors who both think I'm fine but I'm still worried. My doctor said you have to smoke a lot of cigarettes for 20+ years and drink an awful lot to be at risk, and that mouth cancer is very rare. By now I imagine you've been to the dentist though!