View Full Version : I cried today because I was upset and annoyed...

01-03-16, 19:07
So I found out the reason I haven't had much luck with jobs is because my last employer has been giving me a bad reference. He was no reason to. I'm a good worker! One of the best. He just took a dislike to me. He isn't my direct manager anyway.

Point is I let myself cry and I'm annoyed at that. I cried out of frustration because it was for a job I really wanted and they wanted me until thks reference.
I cried the weekend because I was sick of my anxiety. This isn't a mood swing is it? We all have cries don't we?! I've always been sensitive anyway but strong at the same time. I'm not happy one minute and crying the next. There have been reasons for my upset.

01-03-16, 22:36
Yes, totally normal.

Don't allow something upsetting like this to get to you. Your former employer clearly has an issue, and it is THEIR issue, not yours.

In my experience, there is ALWAYS one in every workplace.....an individual who you will never hit it off with or who is just plain irritating to you, and possibly others (in fact, USUALLY others too!!!) That one nightmare colleague/Manager, etc. I could write a book on it myself!!!

With or without an upset like this, anxiety is tough to deal with, and mood swings or just crying things out and then picking ourselves up is totally normal. xx:hugs:

01-03-16, 22:45
Thank you for your reply. My boyfriend has said this isn't a mood sWong as such and is notmal in this situation. More out of frustaruon as I'm trying so hard to get a job. My anxiety isn't taking over much latelt despite my posts! I

01-03-16, 22:50
No, I don't think it was a mood swing either. Just understandable upset and feeling tearful. Frustration like this gets the better of any of us. x

01-03-16, 23:13
My spelling is awful aha, I'm watching a movie whilst replying. And yes it does. Hope you yourself are well :) x

02-03-16, 18:24
I'm freaking out because I argued (got a bit sassy) with my chap becaus he got in touch with his ex and arranged to meet her (as friends) is this normal human reaction or mood swing? Worrying about BT...

02-03-16, 18:31
Totally normal reaction.... My other half would have got more than a bit of sass!!!

Totally normal human reaction to your man seeing an ex!!

02-03-16, 18:35
I'm freaking out because I argued (got a bit sassy) with my chap becaus he got in touch with his ex and arranged to meet her (as friends) is this normal human reaction or mood swing? Worrying about BT...


Getting "sassy" with boyfriend for making plans to see an ex as "friends" without you = brain tumor? Yes, perhaps....for him after you hit him upside the head!

Positive thoughts

02-03-16, 18:37
I think with unemployment and finding out an ex colleague has been giving me bad references and then this im frustrated and had a cry here and there or given sass ha. We're all human right? To get angry over nothing would be a concern. Onwards and upwards.

---------- Post added at 18:37 ---------- Previous post was at 18:36 ----------

Btw, chap didn't see it as doing anything wrong so I upped the sass. I don't get shouty but I did a bit today lol.

02-03-16, 23:06
My spelling is awful aha, I'm watching a movie whilst replying. And yes it does. Hope you yourself are well :) x

I'm ok thanks! :)

As far as the boyfriend goes, that is a pefectly normal reaction. I would be exactly the same, as I am sure 99.9% of other women would be too!! It is inconsiderate and disrespectful towards you, 'as friends' or not, and a verbal bashing is the least he could expect.

Don't waste energy worrying about a BT. The work thing, the boyfriend thing - both totally normal reactions and emotions. x