View Full Version : blood in phlegm!

01-03-16, 20:54
3 days ago in the morning after I woke up and decided to clear my throat, I sucked out mucus from back of my throat and as I spat it in the sink I saw some blood in it. Not a large amount of blood but it shocked me anyway!!
It happens only in the morning and after spitting for two to three times the mucus was normal white again!
I googled this problem and read only about cancer that has put me in a lots of worry!!
I had a very bad cough but that was few weeks ago, that cough lasted longer than a week but there is no any signs of cough right now!!
I occasionally smoke, and smoked just two cigarettes a day and I haven't even smoked since last week.
Today I have a sore throat too!
This problem is occurring since last three morning.
I'll be glad if anybody helps me here..please..

01-03-16, 20:57
I have had it before when i had a scratchy throat. Overnight the throat gets dry as I don't think you swallow as much when you sleep. In the morning when you clear your throat it can irritate it as it is dry ... and especially if it is a little inflamed. Don't worry too much and don't keep clearing your throat to spit as it will irritate the throat tissue (unless you have to of course) but see a doctor to get your throat infection treated if it persists.

01-03-16, 21:32
Jacob18, that has happened to me and it comes from the back of your throat from the excessive/hard coughing, normally a blood vessel. You may have an inflamed throat. Try gargling with warm salt water and if you are worried see a GP to put your mind at rest. :)

01-03-16, 23:26
I get that fairly often, mostly in the morning. Your nose can get dry and cracked overnight, and that bloody mucus goes down your throat in the night and is coughed up in the morning.

If it's just phlegm with a bit of blood in it, it's not a lot to worry about. Maybe look into getting something to put moisture into the air as you sleep?

02-03-16, 00:21
Most likely it's from the dryness of your nasal passage/throat that can appear during the night. You said it yourself that it just happens in the mornings.

02-03-16, 07:52
Thank you so much for your replies guys.. I feel a lot better.
Today was a better morning as I had gargled with warm salt water last night.
There was very less blood today!!

07-03-16, 04:32
Glad I'm not the only one! I've had a bad flu, and developed a terrible cough over the last 24 hours. I've noticed tiny red specks in my phlegm now and then, which worry me a little. I'm assuming it's from the coughing fits, but I'll be seeing my doctor anyway.