View Full Version : Palpitations (and weed)

01-03-16, 21:18
Haven't posted here in a while. 2015 was a pretty good year for me in terms of my anxiety; I can't remember having any major panic episodes. 2016, however, has got off to a really awful start. It all started almost a month ago, I'd been drinking and then I met some people and went with them to smoke weed. Bad idea. A few minutes after smoking, my heart started going at what felt like 200 bpm, and I went into a complete panic, luckily the people around me were able to calm me down, so it didn't last too long, but it was still terrifying. Then, a day or two later, I came down with a throat infection, which was complete agony - I couldn't eat or drink anything without immense pain, even water. Whilst in the thralls of this infection, I had another episode of extreme tachycardia, complete panic, I was crying profusely, and no one was in the house to calm me down, so I actually ended up calling an ambulance, which I feel bad about doing now. They gave me a quick check up with a small ECG, said that my heart rate (obviously) and my blood pressure were elevated, but that I should be fine. My only problem since then has been palpitations, and strange ones at that. I mostly get them when I'm lying down or sitting up in bed, particularly when I'm lying on my left side. It feels like part of my heart is jumping around in my chest irregularly, but if I take my pulse when this happens it seems to be normal, although it has been around 80 bpm at rest recently, which is higher than it used to be. I've also been getting a lot of pulsating in other parts of my body, such as my legs and back. I'm so worried that the episode of smoking weed and the resultant panic attack or my other panic episode whilst ill has somehow ****ed up the electrical system of my heart. If it's just due to my anxiety then why does it change based on my bodily position rather than how anxious I am? This might just be feeding my anxiety but I think I'm going to book a doctor's appointment, tell them what's happened, and see if I can get a holter monitor. The ECGs I've had in the past have been normal, but none have caught one of these palps, and this is very recent. This whole thing is just horrible.

01-03-16, 21:59
This definitely sounds like anxiety to me....I can't smoke weed for exactly this reason - it's really not a good idea if you suffer with panic. It sounds very much like you are super concentrating on your heart and it's feelings. Lots of anxiety sufferers have weird palpitations. Obviously go to your gp if it makes you feel better but I guarantee weed won't mess with the electrical system of your heart.:hugs:

01-03-16, 22:07
Think of it this way. You built an enormous anxiety bonfire by doing what you did and it's going to take a little while until the coals (symptoms) go out.

Positive thoughts

02-03-16, 00:26
I remember years ago when I was still smoking MJ and I felt "thumps" in my chest, how it scared me. I know today what these sensations were (and are, as they are still happening), and in retrospect I can say with certainty that smoking can trigger these events, make them more frequent. MJ affects both physical and mental state of your body, and both can result in palpitations.

02-03-16, 01:49
I can't smoke because of this. Smoking actually triggers panic attacks in me instead of calming me. Therapist looked at me like I was crazy when I told her that...but that's how I am :D