View Full Version : woke up with a horrible squeezing around heart, help please

02-03-16, 03:42
i'm a 23 y/o male and woke up in the middle of the night with what felt like my heart racing faster and faster which was scary, i went to get a glass of water and tried to go back to sleep but the sensation kept me up for almost an hour. i had anxiety palpitations before this and this was a different sensation.

i woke up again with what felt like every tiny valve or tiny pins in the valves of my heart being poked or something, hard to describe but it was scary, i tried to tell myself it was anxiety and went back to sleep. when my alarm went off this morning at my usual time i noted a horrible squeezing around my heart, felt like my heart was being squeezed. i hit the snooze button hoping it would go away but when i woke up again it was the worst it ever was. i tried laying on my back and right side and it made the squeezing worse.

i've had this before but never this bad, i literally went from my morning routine to checking my computer and the pain was so bad i was audibly saying "ow"

i've had EKGs and x-rays and blood tests done for chest pains and they were all due to anxiety. i'm wondering if i should go to the dr. again because these are new symptoms and the 2nd doctor i went to said the 2nd round of tests were necessary because they were symptoms even though they were a week apart. (2nd test was around jan. 20)

the second doctor also referred me to get an echocardiogram done to be safe even though she thought i would be fine but my parents never set up the appointment as they think i'm being ridiculous.

my uncle and grandpa and great grandmother all had heart attacks but they were brought on by diabetes but i'm still scared. my chest feels extremely tight right now along with the squeezing that i can't pinpoint or describe, it kind of goes up thru my breastbone at the top through neck if it's really bad.

this forum has been immensely helpful to me but i'm just worried now because these symptoms feel super severe and different from other physical symptoms i've had where i could be like "this is anxiety" or "this is just a panic attack"

i am seeing a mindfulness meditation instructor and therapy and take gaba for my anxiety. the gaba is helping a lot, the counselor said my anxiety is stemmed form the fact that i've moved back home with my parents who i've had a bad childhood with, and forced me to put smoking (which threw me into horrible anxiety, i was planning on quitting when i mental health was more stable but they were not having any of it)

sorry for the long post but i really need some reassurance / advice.

i'm thinking of setting up the echo for more reassurance that this is anxiety, i just don't know how to ignore these physical symptoms so i'm well enough to move out on my own again (this is what my therapist said would be the best for me right now and i don't know how to pull it off)

i felt like crying from the pain and stress earlier but the GABA is starting to hit and i feel less anxious but still feel the pain.

if anyone has gone through these symptoms or anything similar i would feel a lot better. this is very scary as i thought i had bad anxiety before but now i realize that it was just very regular anxiety (if this is still all anxiety)

i'm also worried because i've been doing so well recently especially with figuring out the root of my anxiety and the mindfulness but this constant worsening chest pain is terrifying. i've been able to identify when i'm being anxious about something which has been great as i said its just these horrible symptoms that are worrying me along with never getting the echo or not getting even more blood tests after experiencing the squeezing. (unless this would make my HA anxiety worse, i'm not sure whats the smartest move right now)