View Full Version : how to stay calm during diagnosis process?

02-03-16, 04:37
Hello again - I am a long-time sufferer of HA and this board helped me through a bad time a few years ago with some very weird disturbing body sensations that put me through a battery of tests only to find out nothing. I'm hoping I can find another round of support while I try to get to the bottom of my irregular menstrual bleeding that has me scared to death of uterine cancer. (I'm 46.)I have an appointment with my gynecologist but she couldn't see me until next month! I've been through this many times...I have a disturbing symptom and feel like there is a ticking time bomb and the longer I wait to figure it all out, the greater my chances of having advanced cancer. I guess the good news is, if I catch this particular cancer early, it's very curable, but the thing is...I've had spotting before and even an ultrasound to check my IUD and everything turned out normal. The bleeding eventually stopped after about one month. And I've had a few episodes of irregular bleeding since then, although only lasting 1-2 weeks, not a month. I figured I was in the clear...however...tonight I read an article in a Redbook magazine (yes, I know I should stay away from cancer articles) about how ANY irregular bleeding in older women is not normal and should be thoroughly investigated. Plus, my history of thyroid disease puts me at greater risk of uterine cancer. I'm now wondering if my doctor did not take me seriously enough 2 years ago, because of my age (most uterine cancer is in post menopausal women). Why did I not get a biopsy back then?? I'm so frustrated. I'm thinking of calling my doctor back tomorrow and being honest about my anxiety, but even if they can bump up my appointment, I need to find a way to stay calm and enjoy life somewhat during this time of figuring out what's going on. Not sure what I'm asking for here - just reaching out to a community who is sympathetic to what goes on in the minds of a HA person. Thanks for listening.

02-03-16, 06:20
Hi Foxtrot
Poor you...I don't really have any words of wisdom as I would be exactly the same and I don't deal with the 'waiting game' well myself.

I just wanted to say that we are always told irregular bleeding should be investigated... but when I had it my doctor was totally unconcerned and just said 'its the menopause, expect it to get worse before it gets better'! He didn't even examine me...so obviously there are cases where there is nothing sinister going on (I'm 44) so it's just as likely you'll be fine.
Try and get your appointment brought forward just so your mind can be put at rest quicker.

Lin xx

02-03-16, 09:57
Wow! I'm 42 and haven't seriously considered menopause as an issue yet.. one GP broached the subject when I was in my early 30s but I didn't really suffer HA then and completely ignored it! xx

02-03-16, 16:36
Thank you - I also did a little more reading on the "female" HA boards and there are others like me; mainly younger though. It's so frustrating getting older when the chances of everything going wrong are so much higher! Not looking forward to having HA about every little thing...every lump, every spot of blood, a pain that won't go away. Sometimes all I can do is laugh.

02-03-16, 17:06
I was 45 when peri menopause hit and it was big freak time for someone with HA. I had totally irregular bleeding from spotting to massive flooding, months without then months with. Over 4 years I had all the invasive tests done 3 times and everytime it was not cancer just totally wonky hormones. I even got a large ovarian cyst as well so you can imagine my reaction to that:). By age 50 everything had stopped phew.

There is a 99% chance that you are purely peri menopausal which is not always a pleasant experience but not life threatening.

You are right to get tests done because this is standard for any female with irregular bleeding but in nearly all cases nothing nasty is causing it.

I can't stop you worrying but can say, been there done that and worn the tshirt, and really do understand how scary it is for someone with HA.

HOpefully your Dr can see you sooner and arrange a hysteroscopy with biopsy and ultrasound ( these are the standard tests in uk) and all will be well x

03-03-16, 05:09
Thanks so much. All I had when this happened 2 years ago was the vag ultrasound. Nothing more invasive. I also had a big ovarian cyst though, which they told me would "give me a bad day" if it burst...which it has not. I did call my doctor's office, explained the issue and they are seeing me next week. I think I may ask for hormone tests but I know those might not be very helpful since hormones go up and down all the time. But I'm trying to stay calm...trying!:yesyes:

03-03-16, 06:38
Glad you're getting seen quicker... I'm sure all will be well...
TBH my doctors have been fobbing me off with the old 'peri menopause' since I was 40...I'm sure they see me coming and say 'oh no its her again, just tell her it's the menopause and she'll go away' ��