View Full Version : Is this an infection maybe?

02-03-16, 12:21
Hi, I have posted about my throat in the past week or so, so please forgive if I repeat anything. Its still a bit sore but its now further down near my chest. I am not coughing much but when I do its quite deep and harsh, like a hacking cough really which hurts. My back also is quite sore. I have been taking paracetamol and OTC medicine but to no real avail. I just worry as to whether this could be my lungs or oesophagus, its just lasting a long time I feel. If I was totally floored by it I'd know it was probably an infection but I'm not really feeling ill as such, just a few hot sweats and soreness in my back and chest. It feels like I am about to come down with a cough but I had a cold and cough about a month or so ago.
Any advice as to whether it could still just be a virus or some kind of infection would be helpful.

Thank you in advance, hoping someone will reply :scared15:

Gary A
02-03-16, 12:47
Symptoms of most viruses generally fade in a week, but with coughs they can last a good deal longer, as this is actually your body's own way of clearing what's left in your lungs. If it persists or worsens then see your doctor, but it's most likely just a stubborn cough taking its time to clear.

02-03-16, 13:11
Thanks for the reply, I don't really have much of a cough, it's just sore and raw feeling, the pain goes to my back too. I'm just hoping that even tho I had a heavy cold and cough not long ago that it's still possible to have picked a different virus up somehow. I actually feel worse today, hot sweats and tired, also my chest is really sore ��

02-03-16, 14:08
Are you coughing up clear mucus or coloured? My GP's have always told me yellow/green mucus could be a sign of infection.

02-03-16, 14:37
Not coughing anything go up really, it's a tight cough and not very regular. When I blow my nose though it is clear, with occasional specks of blood. I just thought it was strange to have an infection so soon after my cold and cough and also not feel totally wrecked by it, just a bit off?