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02-03-16, 12:59
Regarding rash if you've seen previous posts. He said its fungal and he's had it before and those who have eczema are more prone.

Woukd he know if it was lupus? Been given some canesten cream to use.

02-03-16, 14:55
Fungal infections usually itch just like eczema can, I get athletes foot that does not itch but its still a fungal infection because its distinctive.

I am guessing you have got an itchy rash?? Lupus rash does not itch as such and is very distinctive ( have a friend with it) so you can be very reassured if the pharmacist says its a fungal infection. With anti fungal cream it should clear up within a week but you need to use the cream for up to 2 weeks after to stop it coming back.

I had a fungal infections called ringworm ( horrible name) which forms an itchy ring rash usually in hot clammy folds of skin and this was how I had to use the anti fungal cream.

02-03-16, 15:09
I think that's what mine might be. It's on my love handle pah, which sits under my waistband (I am slim, just blessed with slight tum and bum!) it's one single ring and isn't itchy not bothersome just making me anxious is all.