View Full Version : Resorting to bed

02-03-16, 16:47
Do you ever resort to trying to seek comfort in bed and hiding from the anxiety? Not at bed time, but during the day, or instead of getting up at a reasonable time.

I do, and sometimes end up with my conscious brain battling my semi-conscious or sub conscious brain looking for comfort. Sounds so unhealthy, but sometimes I can't help it.

The doctor has prescribed a drug which should knock me out when I'm feeling really bad, and let me sleep.

Thing is, I generally feel ok late afternoon, and in the evening.

When I'm functioning normally, this doesn't happen. I'm up and out when I need to be.

02-03-16, 17:35
Yes, I spend a lot of time in bed...also the anxiety take it out of me and I have no energy. I feel like bed is my safe place and although I think about stuff there and sometimes my imagination runs away from me (I also get the semiconcious over thinking you talk about) it is still my safe place.

02-03-16, 18:24
Good to know I'm not the only one.

02-03-16, 19:23
I do this occasionally wantpeace. Anxiety is so exhausting!

Like you, I find after that I feel better and have an easier evening, but doing this too often can have a negative outcome where you don't want to leave your bed! :ohmy:

---------- Post added at 19:23 ---------- Previous post was at 19:23 ----------

Maybe incorporate some gentle exercise and meditation as well some days?

02-03-16, 23:01
I agree with Carnation.

Retreating to bed can be both a blessing and a curse.

I get a lot of comfort and rest when I am feeling anxious, being in bed and watching tv or something on my laptop, or just sleeping when I really want to escape - I get so exhausted with anxiety and depression - but too much time doing not much can become counter-productive and a bad habit. I often feel better and more motivated if I make a real effort to get up and out of bed, and it gives my brain less time to dwell on how I am feeling.

But I do get a lot of comfort from my bed regardless, and find it a real effort to stay out of it. When I am depressed I have gone days without getting out of my PJ's and bed.

02-03-16, 23:06
I too have spent days in bed only getting up to go to the toilet when I absolutely have to and surviving on whatever my.partner brings up and persuades me to eat. Right now I am really struggling to stay out of bed on my days off. I work 3 12.5 hour shifts a week and the rest of the week is largely spent in bed but I do feel so so tired and sick so I feel like I need it.

02-03-16, 23:12
Yep - I love my bed...sometimes it's the only respite from anxiety but I do try not to sleep/stay in bed too much because I think it can make you feel worse x

03-03-16, 09:35
I have just had a fortnight off work and spent huge chunks of my days in bed. It's the only place I can go to escape when things are bad.

03-03-16, 11:54
Yes, which is a double-edged sword. It is good to rest and you tend to feel safe in your bed but I tend to get bombarded by mind chatter if I spend too long in bed. You can also slip into deeper depression staying too long in bed.

03-03-16, 16:41
I avoid going back to bed once I'm up. Though I do have a habit of laying in during mornings, mainly to make the day go more quickly.

Anyway my wife spends days in bed sometimes with her physical ailments. Someone has to be up?

03-03-16, 17:16
I can't stay in bed, it depresses me! Any nap has to be had on the sofa! x

03-03-16, 18:39
I get myself in a downward spiral. Anxiety causes me to look for escape > escape = bed > bed = comfort for a few minutes, then intrusive thoughts and feelings kick off. Then it's back to look for escape > .... until I can no longer bear being in bed and get up.

silver blaze
04-03-16, 14:51
thought it was only me that likes my bed too much for comfort