View Full Version : anxiety and tiredness

02-03-16, 17:24
Iv been worrying lately about how much I feel like I'm tired. I'm not getting home from work and getting straight into bed. I'm not falling asleep at work or napping during the day.

What is different however is that I used to stay awake like 18-19 hours straight on my days off and I just cant seem to get there anymore.

Now I get to 14-15 hours of being awake and I start to feel how tired I am. Even during the week, I hardly have the most physically demanding job so I shouldn't really be tired when I get home. But yet recently I just feel tired.

I'm not sure if this is just me loosing interest during to my heightened anxiety at present and constant worrying is wearing me out and making me just want to go to sleep.

I'v been worrying lately about brain tumours because I had a dizzy spell lasting 5 seconds. Then I went through a period for about a week of thinking I was dizzy. Then that has gone. Then I was onto blurred vision. Then focusing. Then stomach problems.

Maybe its just me and I'm wearing myself out mentally but I just don't feel right, I feel drained.

I'm off work for the next 4 days so I'm not sure if that's a good time to rest ad recharge or its giving me time to think which will make me worse.

I appreciate any input as ever.

02-03-16, 19:03
I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. I've been feeling the same way. I'm a 27 year old stay at home mom, and just making dinner takes everything out of me. My anxiety has been through the roof the last couple of months and I've been having all kinds of scary symptoms. I've been worried about brain tumors and also MS. In fact, I have an MRI on Friday and I'm freaking out about it. If everything is normal and this is really all anxiety, I'm going to be so shocked. I can't believe it can really do all of this to a person.

I've also been having stomach issues. I just had an abdominal ultrasound and they said it was normal, just that I have gallstones (which I already knew). I know anxiety can really mess up your stomach.

That's good you will have some time to recharge, but I know what you mean about thinking too much. I think that's one of my main problems. I even think too much in my sleep and wake up all panicky and sweaty. Are you on any sort of anti-depressant or anxiety meds? I've tried a few and haven't had any luck with any of them so far.

02-03-16, 19:10
No I don't take any meds and I don't really want to start to be honest, I'd like to do it naturally. I'm not falling asleep or anything so I'm not really worried to be honest, I'm just annoyed that I no interest in anything and the worry of everything else is wearing me out. I'm not sleeping excessive hours and I'm not staying awake alot, its quite normal. But obviously the stress of anxiety takes its tole on the body.