View Full Version : Sleep pattern and fatigue

02-03-16, 22:49
My sleep pattern is quite bad I'm having few hour naps rather then sleep and it's been about a week now and im absolutely drained so drained I can't be bothered to do anything but laid in bed all I wanna do is sleep but it's 22;45 now if I sleep I'll wake up at 2-3am no doubt

As I fell sleep last night at 3am woke up 6am slept 10am till 12pm then 1pm till 3pm then 4.30pm till 6pm now it's 22:46 I just can't be bothered get out of bed or move legs so tired aswell is this normal?

Can anxiety make it seem worse? As I been worrying about feeling tired aswell

Any ideas and help and advice?

02-03-16, 23:40
I know how your feeling, my sleep at the min is all over I was still awake at 7 this morning I finally nodded off for an hour or so then nodded off again and so on Ive been awake since about 12 or 1 this afternoon, I guarantee I'll still be awake till god knows what time in the morning aswell, I've been like this for prbly near on three weeks constant

Only thing with me is my appetite has also gone and been like it on and off since Christmas loosing just over a stone or so In weight.

Personally I feel like crap because of no sleep but I get up, dont get in the cycle of feeding the anxiety as it'll just get worse try and do something during the day take your mind off it, I know it's not easy at all when you feel like crap tired, headache and feeling like someone just hooked you up to a hoover and sucked every ounce of your energy from your body

With me the sleep isnt the problem mine is the no appetite losing weight that I was focused on but I'm trying not to let the anxiety get to me and letting the thoughts in but that's it I'm not letting the thoughts win it's hard but it does help and at times I get alittle glimpse of my appetite and do eat which makes me feel alot better just being able to eat something instead of a replacement meal shake. Lifts the spirits

You could try listening to relaxing music there's load on YouTube fir anxiety insomnia and many other thing, some nights it helps me to nod off others it don't, even white noise sounds also on YouTube help aswell like hoover sounds fans hairdryers they can all help especially for relaxing even if you don't fall asleep..

Hope this help your not alone with this problem and there's many more people in the same boat

Good luck and hopefully you soon get a good night's sleep

03-03-16, 04:40
Anxiety certainly does mess your sleep up and your sleep routines. Sleep can end up unrefreshing. Sleep is all about cycles within the time you are asleep and waking during some of those cycles can mean waking feeling rough. Sunlight can wake the body up from that issue (If I've recalled an article on it correctly).

Exercise is a good way to improve your sleep. It can also wake you up a bit so that you aren't wanting to sleep as much. I find this doesn't always work for me, but it can do.

03-03-16, 05:13
I'm having the worst sleep pattern lately. In fact, I'm having a very bad bout of insomnia. I can't seem to fall back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night, it's been like this for a week already.
There are days I woke up at 2:30am, on few days ago, I practically couldn't sleep the entire night.
I would try to close my eyes for hours but just cannot fall into sleep. sigh. Hope this phase will pass soon. I'm thinking of seeing a specialist this weekend.

03-03-16, 17:11
Your sleep pattern is bad. I suggest not sleeping during the day, doesn't matter if you're tired. Instead of sleeping, go for a walk or do something that keeps your mind or body active. That way, you should be able to fall asleep and sleep through the night.

04-03-16, 13:35
Anxiety messes with your circadian rhythm and in turn that messes with your sleep. I used to be such a lover of sleep, I could fall asleep at 9pm and sleep right round until 7am the next morning, not anymore. Now I'm awake until about 12pm when I fall into a fitful "sleep" only to awake again an hour or so later with a pounding heard and dreadful anxiety in the pit of my stomach. I toss and turn, sweat pouring off me, and then finally succumb to taking a sleeping tablet at about 3am (which very rarely works) and if I'm lucky that might knock me out for another hour. I average about 2-3 hrs per night, again of I'm lucky, and I am absolutely exhausted. This has now brought on melancholic depression which I understand is quite common if you suffer from sleep deprivation.

Oh, and with regards to exercise helping with sleep, yesterday I walked almost 10 miles and it did absolutely nothing to my sleep pattern last night - in fact it was worse