View Full Version : Hiya

25-09-04, 20:57
Hiya folks

Im Rory, 23m from Hamilton near Glasgow.

Have been having problems with panic and anxiety since I was about 18, when I started college. Have had problems with feeling trapped or confined, always looking for escape routes. Currently have similar problems to Nicola, that is being stuck in traffic or roadworks...

I had been doing ok until june this year, when I panicked badly driving to work. That week I declined badly until I was unable to go to work and became agoraphobic.

I am not comfortable more than about 10 mins from home, worried Ill panic etc. and its then a major stress to try and drive back.

Have been slowly getting a bit better, venturing a little further... its slow going but I am determined to get back on track. Too much stuff going on im missing out on !

I have spoken to a few people in the chat room and they are a friendly bunch :) Hope to speak to some more of you soon.

All the best

25-09-04, 21:19
hello Rory,

Welcome to the message forum!! I'm sure you'll find loads of support here and meet some great people. Take care.

Sarah :D

25-09-04, 21:26
Hi Rory

Welcome aboard - good to see you here and nice chatting to you the last couple of nights.

I am gradually getting better with the driving - taking a long time but you may like to read a couple of posts I did this week ...

Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)

A Bridge too Far (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1788)

My only advise is to keep at it - over and over again and take a look at the Coping page on my website for some tips on coping whilst driving.

Don't let it beat you ok?

The mind is very powerful and it has convinced you that you can't do it but you can and you will in time. There is nothing to stop you getting back out there and doing it and we will support you along the way ok?

Good luck and let us know if you need any advise on anything specific.


25-09-04, 21:40
Hi Rory

Welcome to the site. You will get a lot of help and support here.


25-09-04, 23:00
Hi Rory ,

Welcome to the site

Its hard when you think you've been doing ok and then get a fright and think you're going backwards.

It is in reality a blip - and can be overcome in the same way as you managed the original malady as you're finding.

Take care


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

26-09-04, 00:19
Hi Rory

Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear it has been so bad for you but you are still managing to fight it.

I am sure you will get lots of inspiration on this site and see how at whatever cost we can get through this.

Love Sal xxxxx

26-09-04, 09:32
Hi there Rory!

Youre in the right place for support!! :)

Good luck!

Minny... x

26-09-04, 13:04
Hi all

Thanks for the welcoming messages :)

Will no doubt chat with you all soon

All the best

26-09-04, 17:04
hi rory

i hope your feeling better today, i hadda major panic attack not long ago, so you are not alone

welcome by the way, lol

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

26-09-04, 17:29
Im not too bad today thanks, just chilling out at home. Will go out in the car soon ish I guess.

Hope you are doing ok today Scooter Girl, keep ur chin up :)


26-09-04, 22:10
Hi Rory

Pleased you have been feeling ok today.

I do hope you managed to get yourself out in your car as it always helps been able to push ourselves to get out and about.

Love Sal xxxxx

27-09-04, 12:24
Hi Rory

Welcome aboard!


27-09-04, 13:33
Hiya Rory

Welcome to the site. You'll find alot of support here.


28-09-04, 13:35
Hello Rory

welcome to the site.


Jill xxxx

May your troubles be less
and your blessings be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door..

28-09-04, 19:25
thank you rory, im a bit better today

how are you finding the forum

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

28-09-04, 23:30
Hi Rory

How are you feeling and how is it going mate?

Love Sal xxxxx

29-09-04, 18:50
Scooter Girl - Glad to hear youre doing ok :) Have been reading some of the forum and looking out for useful tips.

Sal - I've been quite good the last few days, been able to get out a bit further from home and staying pretty calm. So I've made some fairly good progress this week I think.

All the best

29-09-04, 23:11
Hi Rory

Pleased to hear you have been feeling fairly good and managed to get out over the last few days.

Well done you and i hope it continues.

Take care.

Love Sal xxxxx