View Full Version : Weight loss?!

02-03-16, 23:56
Ugh....I've been worrying about my spleen a lot lately because of a discomfort I've been having around that area for the past 2 years or so. Obviously because of my lymphoma worries stemming from my nodes being swollen. Enlarged spleen is often a sign of lymphoma. I had doctor feel my abdomen on Saturday and he didn't feel anything abnormal but I'm doubtful.
But that's not the subject of this thread.............

Another symptom of lots of cancers is weight loss and I've been weighing myself on and off in recent months and at the end of last year I was around 86 but now I'm hovering around 83-84 and it just hit me. What if the two are related and I'm now starting to get the cancer weight loss :unsure:
I'm on new meds so I'm hoping that they could be causing it a bit.

03-03-16, 00:28
3-4 lbs in a couple of months is NOT something sinister! Heck, I have a good sit in the boys room and lose that much ;) You don't have cancer, nor spleen issues nor have your nodes been "swollen" for 9 years. You're posting the same thing on two anxiety sites and everyone is telling you the same thing! I don't know what anyone could say to really help? Hopefully your new meds will kick in soon and your worries will diminish.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

03-03-16, 01:05
FWIW, I have had two enlarged nodes - one behind my ear and another under my jaw - at least since I was 11 (when I first noticed them). I'm 24 now. My doc checked them out and said it's possible they'll just never really go down but there's nothing wrong with them. As long as it's been, and as often as I have bloodwork done (not my choice - every time I get the flu it's like they want to take my blood!) nothing has happened and it's doubtful anything ever will.

I'd bet the same is true for you - if they've been enlarged that long, it's probably just something that will always be there but of no concern. Surely your doctor has seen/felt them and given you the all clear?

As for weight loss - it's totally normal to fluctuate. I know when I work out with my Wii Fit they say to weigh at the same time every day because your weight can fluctuate 2-3 lbs or more over the course of a day! Funny how that works.

Like Fishmanpa says, I hope your meds kick in and you start feeling better.

03-03-16, 02:43
FWIW, I have had two enlarged nodes - one behind my ear and another under my jaw - at least since I was 11 (when I first noticed them). I'm 24 now. My doc checked them out and said it's possible they'll just never really go down but there's nothing wrong with them. As long as it's been, and as often as I have bloodwork done (not my choice - every time I get the flu it's like they want to take my blood!) nothing has happened and it's doubtful anything ever will.

I'd bet the same is true for you - if they've been enlarged that long, it's probably just something that will always be there but of no concern. Surely your doctor has seen/felt them and given you the all clear?

As for weight loss - it's totally normal to fluctuate. I know when I work out with my Wii Fit they say to weigh at the same time every day because your weight can fluctuate 2-3 lbs or more over the course of a day! Funny how that works.

Like Fishmanpa says, I hope your meds kick in and you start feeling better.

Yes, my doctor and many others have felt them and looked at them on ultrasounds. Including hematologists. All my blood tests have been fine although on the last one I had which was in 2012 the LDH levels were elevated by few points and that set me off and the reason I started having these anxiety attacks. The doctor wasn't worried.