View Full Version : blocked ear

03-03-16, 01:27
i have a closed left ear, its been 6 weeks for me, started a few days after i got over a bad cold and flu, when it didnt go away for 2 weeks i seen my doctor who said i have a huge infection, was perscribed antibiotics an told to softly blow my nose after 3 or 4 days, after antibiotics finnished in 2 weeks, i had very little relieve, went back and seen the doctor who said infection is gone but he sees water, said it could take months in some cases, i can hear slightly better than first 3 weeks but he also made a fax call for ent to call me for appointment to eliminate all other posibilities, but reading here it does seem to take some time, ill try the steam an sudafed as all he told me is it takes time and to try synex which is a salt nasal spray, i'm going nuts here as i feel completly off balance at work in car or anywhere theres noise., an when i crack my neck it sounds like metal in that ear, i want it gone and im scared of the appointment he made to eliminate all posibilities although he doesnt seem worried about it, just said to wait it out, easy for him to say, glad i seen these posts though, makes me feel like im not alone in this, anybody get over this yet and when.

03-03-16, 06:19
I just want to say that I am going through this at the moment. Mine blocked after Christmas and then cleared, then it blocked again and now has been blocked for a week. I am having really severe feelings of disorientation with it and it's sent my anxiety through the roof. I'm absolutely desperate to get it resolved as it's making working feel almost impossible. When I go to work each day I feel so spaced out with it that I'm having panic attacks and I can't think of focus on anything. My Dr hasn't even referred me to the ENT although I'm going to ask for a referral. I'm terrified of spending years like this as I honestly feel I can't do anything. Going out anywhere makes me feel spaced out and I'm incredibly tried all the time. I really hope we can get some relief soon from this.

03-03-16, 07:15
i know exactly how you feel, at the moment I'm sad to say I'm getting used to it which in fact scares me but all i'm being told is not to worry and it takes time, still haven't got my appointment yet with ENT as he said it would take time for them to call and schedule an appointment but i wish there was something i could do other than just wait, I've never in my life gone through this and it's frustrating to say the least, I'm irritated all the time and anxiety, well lets just say it's through the roof, cant even listen to my music which i so enjoyed cause just about all noise drowns it out even more, i can say it's a little better than first 3 weeks but doesn't seem to be getting any better anymore, same thing everyday, I'm so frustrated yet my doctor smiles and says it'll take time, don't fuss about it, pffftt

03-03-16, 10:38
Have you found that the dizziness and spaciness has settled at all? I can just about deal with the blocked feeling and the muffled hearing, but it's the disassociation that is totally freaking me out. I hope yours resolves soon. Did they say what caused it? I am thinking my chronic sinus drainage issues could be the cause, which kind of worries me as they aren't going away either, although I am on steroid nasal spray now.

04-03-16, 02:48
I don't have much dizziness unless I'm blowing my nose or purposely pinching it and blowing which I've stopped doing long ago, whats bothering me most is at home where it's quiet I'm ok so to speak but anywhere else noise sets it off and it feels like its getting tighter, a real problem at work or really anywhere else as i find myself doing double takes cause i hear things in places there not, all i can say is i was sick weeks before this set in and after it didn't clear in 2 weeks went to doctor, he acknowledged an infection and gave me antibiotics, 2 weeks after they were finished i had no difference in ear but he said infection was gone and he sees water in the ear, and then preceded to tell me that it will take nothing but time and said i could try synex which is a salt nasal spray, and he set up a call from (ENT)to call with an appointment which hasn't happened yet, I'm just hoping it's not some of the things he mentioned as an alternative obstruction such as a tumor, he says it's a long shot but seeing how I'm nervous he said we'll get all other possibilities out of the way, he seems confident its only time that will cure this, although I've never been through this before and it's driving me up the wall, i want my music again but right now everything sounds terrible, i hope i haven't gone deaf, that's my fear and reading some posts on here there's people like us saying it's the same a year down the road, i'd hate that as i'm a wreck already

---------- Post added at 02:48 ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 ----------

By the way, pleased to meet you Cattia.

04-03-16, 04:15
Pleased to meet you too! I know, I have read stuff on the internet about that too, scares me to death and I'm also constantly terrified about the other ear going. I sometimes get an annoying whooshing sound in my bad ear, and I also find that in busy places, it feels so much pressure that my head feels like it's going to explode! I'm definitely requesting a referral to the ENT. I am also terrified about a tumour although my Dr didn't seem to think there was much chance of it being that. Mine seems to be caused by postnatal drip but I've had that for years and never had this before. Occasionally it clears then ten minutes later it's blocked again. I'm hoping the fact that it starts to clear is a good sign. Let's hope we get some relief from this soon, as it's so horrible :(

04-03-16, 22:40
Oh my yes, I also have that fear of my good ear developing the same thing, i mean at that point how would i even get by, scares the hell out of me, went to a pharmacist today and explained it to him, one thing he recommended to try as most others have is sudafed decongestant, i figured why not, it can only help, so i bought one as the nasal spray isn't doing much. (ENT) hasn't even called me yet but i'd love to go knowing they can confirm exactly what's causing this and maybe have a recommendation as to fixing it, at least that's my hope. I hope we do get some surprise popping soon and put it all behind us.

08-03-16, 11:16
Does anyone suffer with clicking/squeaking ears? Tried to pop mine earlier and my right one is squeaking!


08-03-16, 11:26
I've had ear problems for years, I understand your fear, it's always only been one ear for me and to be fair, I know you dread this going on and on but as strange as it sounds, you start to actually get used to it. A referral to ENT would be standard practice for any ongoing ear problems so don't worry about that referral, you'll most likely be given an hearing test, examination and if need be your ears cleaning.
I've found ibuprofen more effective than paracetemol for the nasty symptoms, you can also ask your gp for anti-sickness medication which can settle the dizziness and nausea.

08-03-16, 13:25
My blocled ear seems to have cleared! I should be so happy but of course I have moved on to other symptoms (still related to the ear) and now I'm stressing about a brain tumor. I'm annoyed at myself for being in this place again, feeling physically and mentally done in. Once you hop on that anxiety train it's hard to get off. I hope you all get some relief soon. i am having my ears syringed in a couple of weeks.

08-03-16, 18:27
I wonder if my ear probs are caused by post-nasal drip? Started sleeping on my right side this week and noticed my right ear is a bit blocked!


08-03-16, 19:08
I have bad post nasal drip, also tmj which complicates things too, I definitely think these are contributory factors for me.

08-03-16, 22:16
ENT checked me over for TMJ (in a fashion) but the consultation was so rushed. Have a follow-up appt next Tues and I'm getting the whole lot, ears , jaw, nose checked, before he discharges me! xx