View Full Version : Day 12 of meds - getting better

03-03-16, 06:34
Just an update from where I was on day 7:
*Things are getting better, my appetite has returned (although still not 100%).
*I've started taking my tablet at tea time and I find my sleep is less disturbed.
*I'm also feeling less nauseous.i have immersed myself into work which is helping take my mind off my problems.

Anyone struggling in those early days - keep going!

03-03-16, 09:35
Hi well done on starting ya meds glad there working forvu I've been on citalopram for bout week now still feel crappy and are hoping to feel better soon x

03-03-16, 12:02
Great to read positive reviews :)
I'm day 28 today & although I'm far from back to normal I'm definitely better than I was 3 weeks ago.
I started taking mine at tea time too with good effect. Don't really get any of the effects I had in the early days like teeth grinding/jaw clenching & headaches so that's good.
Keep us updated on your progress!

03-03-16, 12:13
I'm finding it hard to believe these pills are going to change my life I mean I'm guna stick with them but I can believe how bad I'm feeling I'm guna feel better ?

03-03-16, 14:07
I felt the same Beckie when I first started them. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm getting better at all, what I find useful is I kept a small diary when I started them - just jotting down what I'd done that day & rating my anxiety out of 5.
Now when I look back to a few weeks ago I can see I didn't even leave the house or eat anything & my anxiety was 5/5 most days, compared to a few weeks later where I can see I managed to go shopping or go out for dinner & my anxiety is only 2/5. It boosts me when I feel like I'm not making progress x

03-03-16, 16:30
I think you go through stages but it can be that gradual that you don't notice. I increased 5 weeks ago. I'm not there yet but when I think back to how I was then it shows how far I've come. I was wKing in the night, extreme anxiety and couldn't go to work. Now I'm back at my job, I sleep and eat well and no anxiety at all. Just going through that flat stage at the minute. I'm not depressed but I'm not happy either, I just feel very flat and I can't feel happy or excited. From experience this has passed so I'm giving it till the 8 week mark and then pop back to my docs and see about increasing again if no change. Hang in there Beckie a week is still very early days x