View Full Version : Please help, getting worried

03-03-16, 06:38
Im just wondering if this has ever happened to anyone with anxiety cause i never had anxiety but i just went for surgery recently and think it may of stressed me out so much that i have anxiety now but my Surgery was January 6th and this all started in February but , for the past 25 days iv been light headed, head pressure, forgetful, trouble consentrating, dizzy spells, wierd heart rythm, wierd feeling in my chest, head aches, short of breath, neck pain, disoriented if anyone has this please let me know

Have been to the hospital for this they did little blood work but said everything was 100% about a week ag and I also had an appointment with my doctor this morning and have bloodwork tommorow morning and and mri appointment in waiting

03-03-16, 06:46
Anxiety can hit at any time for no reason. The time leading up to your surgery would've been stressful so this may have been a catalyst. If all the tests are coming back clear then that would suggest it is anxiety.

03-03-16, 07:39
Yes this sounds like anxiety, be kind to yourself and find ways to occupy your mind to ease the stresses of thinking about it, and alk to your gp don't let the feeling build up