View Full Version : Awake all night with anxiety attacks :(

03-03-16, 08:08

I've been posting on the HA forums since Jan as I've been off my head with worry about my ears/nose. Over the past month or so I have started to feel much better and for the past week or 2, happy and enthusiastic again.

On Tuesday night I felt quite down and spent yesterday like a yo-yo. Had a cry to my husband in bed and then spent the rest of the night dozing and waking as I was having anxiety attacks on and off.

Am really upset.. how can I go from climbing to falling in such a short space? Really thought I was beating this and now I don't know what to do.

Anyone, advice or anything please xxxx

03-03-16, 08:44
you're not alone in having ups and downs, I've been having them quite bad for about 3 years, seem to be getting worse. Have you seen your GP?

03-03-16, 15:08
I have, I'm being referred for counselling for my HA, and my meds have been upped. Had a grotty day through lack of sleep, lots of crying! Felt so good 2 days ago, no idea why this happened! xxxx


03-03-16, 15:26
have you recently started the meds? Has this happened before?

03-03-16, 16:07
I've been on Cipralex on and off for years. Have been on 5mg but it was upped to 15mg at New Year. Really thought I was in recovery as it has been gradual and lovely but this has kicked me right back. It hasn't happened before this time, no xxx

03-03-16, 16:26
Did anything in particular happen on Tuesday night to trigger this. Did you start thinking about something more than you have been?

And don't worry. Just because you had a difficult night once, doesn't mean you'll hae one again. If you do, make an emergency appointment with your GP. They may give you something to help sleep.

Btw, I'm on Cipralex too. I'm struggling getting into it, because of the startup anxiety side effects.

03-03-16, 17:09
Hi Wantpeace.. I've been on the 5mg for 4 years, it was upped to 10 and then to 15 shortly after.

It was odd because all I did was look at a small spot on my boob (I have HA) and I felt my "curtain" descend.. just like that. taken weeks to start feeling better. Then I got the anxiety whilst trying to drop off. Not sure if I'm due on as well, that usually makes my heart race a bit! My tummy was churning and I felt dreadful. Pretty sure I had a bit of sleep as I dreamed a bit.

Everyone keeps telling me it's just a blip but as I'm not long out of a HA/anxiety/depression spell, it's put fear into me that it's all starting again xx

What mg of Cipralex are you on? xx