View Full Version : I shouldn't have googled 😢

03-03-16, 10:42
I know I posted recently about this but I was googling for my partner and came across something that worried me.

I am so scared I have a stomach ulcer or something worse,back in 2013 I tested positive for hplyori and took the treatment. Since then I've been on ompazole as I've had problems with heartburn and indigestion.

Recently I had a blood test which said I was low on iron so I'm taking iron supplements that are improving my iron.

Now the symptoms of an ulcer are
Stomach pain- yes I get this- doctors says ibs
Weight loss- I'm currently loosing weight fast- doctor says anxiety/worry
Heartburn/indigestion - been getting this for 3 years on omparazole and gaviscon
Low iron- I'm low no serverly low doctor says due to periods

As you can see I'm terrified I have one. The doctor did a hplyori test recently which was negative and left it there but I keep thinking that ulcers don't always show hplyori.
I'm also worried the omeprazole is just prolonging the symptoms
I've been to the doctors numerous times and they don't feel worried,met I'm ticking all th boxes! :(

03-03-16, 14:58
So... you have a choice. Believe a medical professional that actually sees you in real life, knows your history and has done scientific medical tests OR believe an internet search engine. You can choose to be "MissSunshine" or "MissCloudyDay". If you're choosing the latter, it's on you ;)

Positive thoughts

03-03-16, 18:30
It's just I don't know weather blood tests would pick up an ulcer.
I had the poop sample for the hplyori test here in Coventry that's how they test for it.
But you are right Google can be my worst enemy! I do have ibs but I am scared I have an ulcer also :( the weight loss is only going to get worse if I keep worry about loosing weight after all.

Fishmanpa when it's put like that... Yes! I want to be miss sunshine.
I went for my blood test and X-ray by the way (for gout) get my results next week.
I couldn't help but think when I was in there that id rather be getting tests for my tummy issues instead tho x

03-03-16, 18:44
Both my wife and I have reflux issues and take a PPI. She's been having an increased amount of breakthrough so she went back to the doctor. They added an OTC Zantac for her to take at night before bed. She's getting blood work done next week to check for H Pylori (which she's had before). If that's negative and things don't improve in a few weeks, they'll send her for an endoscopy. That's based on her history as she's had ulcers before. If you don't have a history of ulcers I can't imagine they would order such a test.

You weren't concerned until Dr Google so your doctor is on it.

Positive thoughts