View Full Version : cant stop thinki about death!

03-03-16, 11:16
I'm in such a bad place. All I keep thinking of is how one day everyone dies and that will be and how one day I will lose people I love. It's literally eating away at me and I just keep crying xxx

03-03-16, 11:38
Hello BumbleGirl,

This is a terrible feeling and I had it too a few weeks before I turned 30. I spent 2 weeks solid crying and I was off work. I thought I was going crazy, I would look at older people and wonder why they weren't terrified and kept questioning what happens next. I really feel for you, you need to talk to people and your doctor may be able to help. I was put onto citalopram and given a one to one CBT counselor, which really helped. Do you have support around you? There is a group on facebook called Fear of Death Support Group and NDE Discussions. Some really lovely people on there that will listen to you :hugs:


03-03-16, 12:34
Thank you. That's exactly how I feel. I'm on citalopram 20mg and I've had cbt but didn't have this fear then. I'm going to the Drs tomorrow xx

03-03-16, 12:43
how long have you been on the meds? they take a while to work. I hope the doctors goes ok and try to give yourself something to look forward to. I suffer with anxiety but I know that when I was going through the same as you I had a holiday to Scotland booked and when I started to feel a little better that really helped. Its natural to worry about it but its frustrating when people say just chill out and don't worry (yeh ok, they haven't got a clue!!) Explain everything to your doctor. I also saw a hypnotherapist, that if anything she just helped me to relax for a while each time I saw her :)

I really hope you start to feel calmer soon, your not the only one :hugs:


03-03-16, 17:31
I've been on them for a year now but was on 40mg before and I was really well for years. I tried to come off them, couldn't manage so tried Prozac but didn't work so went back on the tablets.
Thank you. I really hope I feel better soon xxx

03-03-16, 18:25
Hi hun, how long ago was your CBT, I've had one full course, a refresher about 3 years after then another full course about 5 months ago.
I self-reference for all, found each course useful sometimes even just to remind myself what I already knew and give me that support and opportunity to talk through my fears.

03-03-16, 18:48
Hi thanks for replying. I had about 8 sessions I think. I might ask the Dr tomorrow if there's any way I could have it again xxx

03-03-16, 19:12
What area in UK do you live in xxx

04-03-16, 08:59
South east xx

04-03-16, 09:06
Google iapt services for your area, it should tell you how to refer.

04-03-16, 10:05
The guidance for prescribing antidepressants is that they should be given for the shortest period possible and preferably no longer than a year. They stop having any effect after a while. I know GPs tend to keep people on them long after they have actually stopped working because the patient feels better psychologically on them (they are a life raft to cling to) and "even if they aren't doing any good anymore they aren't doing any harm so you better stay on them."
That is not a good attitude to have but it's widespread because access to secondary mental health care in the UK hospital system is so poor through lack of funding, despite what the Government say. GPs desperately want to help so antidepressants are better than nothing. You virtually have to be suicidal to get a referral from your GP to a hospital based specialist mental health team.
It has been shown in clinical trials that antidepressants work better when used just for a short time and in combination with counselling. This is what NICE (the body that determines treatment procedures for the NHS) recommend. I would suggest you ask for a medication review with your GP. Don't try to stop taking the drugs yourself without supervision by your GP; stay on them as usual and just discuss their effectiveness with your GP. You will wait a long time for CBT on the NHS at the moment. Where I live, the waiting list is 8 months and the computer programme they offer you as an alternative is only helpful for certain mental health issues.
Also CBT doesn't suit everyone. It is a focussed and practical therapy and for that reason it has been studied in clinical trials (and thus offered by the NHS) because it is easier to measure effectiveness. Filling in lots of questionnaires throughout treatment is the order of the day! However, sometimes you need a different type of therapy that gives you space to explore how you feel about things, allowing you to understand your behaviour, why you are anxious/depressed and which allows you to develop self acceptance before you move on to a structured, task based therapy like CBT. Eight sessions also might not be enough if you have been anxious or depressed for a long time but it is all that the NHS will fund in one go. Google counselling services in your area and see if there is a counselling service that offers integrative or person centred therapy, which may be a better fit for you at the moment. Sometimes if you are on a low income, they will accept a small donation so it needn't be expensive. Good luck!
C x

04-03-16, 16:28
Well, what makes me fear death is when death comes while I am still pursuing my dreams in life. My mission is to have a simple life, have a job and a business in the future to secure my family’s financial needs. Here in my country, sons/daughter’s has that culture of repaying the hardships of our parents just to carry our needs like EDUCATION. Our country is in Asia and as you know, there are many poor asian countries especially in South East region. I’d like to be successful, I’d like to do what I need to do, the things I love, before I go. So yeah, that’s it.