View Full Version : Increased anxiety an hour after each dose?

03-03-16, 17:25
So I've been on Citalopram for about 18 days, about 12 days on 20mg and I do see that it has been helping both my overall depression and anxiety. However, I notice that I wake up in the morning with my usual mild anxiety/worry, which seems under control or doesn't bother me so much.. But then about an hour after I take my pill, I notice that my body feels like it falls into a mild fight or flight and I get this strange feeling of impending doom in my stomach or just general unease, and just about any thought that I have brings on an immediate flash of fear.

This tends to go away about 6-8 hours later in the day where I start to feel fine towards the end of the night and all of the weird sensations seem to become very mild along with my thoughts.

Is it possible that the Citalopram is still causing increased anxiety after each dose, even whilst improving my passive anxiety? I worry because I've already been on 20mg for about 12 days now. I do notice that the anxiety increase is much more mild compared to when I first started the pill, but does it go away completely when my body is adjusted to it?

03-03-16, 17:36
Try taking at night

03-03-16, 17:42
Wont that mess with my sleep? It does indeed make me tired when I take it, but I've read that other people had insomnia issues. I guess I could always just try it and see how it works for me.

03-03-16, 18:22
I usually take mine in the morning for the first couple of weeks then when the insomnia passes I move them to before bed. My anxiety gradually improves and it's gets to the point where I can feel it bubbling under my skin but not full blown, then just morning anxiety then it goes completely.

03-03-16, 18:34
Thank you, Jem. That was a ton of good info, I'm glad to hear that I'm on the road to recovery. I will try taking it tomorrow night and see if that helps. :)

03-03-16, 18:37
I take mine at about 7pm because I didn't like the side effects. It did mess with my sleep a little at first but no moreso than when I took it in the morning x

03-03-16, 18:50
I found an hour after taking it I start yawning and get extremely tired and anxious so I take it at 9pm and manage to get to sleep. But I only changed to evening after 4 weeks.

03-03-16, 20:14
I can definitely try it.. I just find that after I take it and I get extremely anxious, if I do try to sleep during the day, I tend to just constantly shift in and out of sleep with random feelings of panic. I don't know if it's the pill that causes this issue with daytime sleep, but I'm worried about this happening at night and not getting any sleep. Although I do sleep absolutely fine at night. I honestly feel like if I didn't have the increased anxiety from the pill, I'd be a completely different person.

03-03-16, 20:20
Like you say, it's just increased anxiety from the pill and once the side effects settle down this will go. I found I got calm periods and then some calm evenings then it went completely for a couple of days then popped back for a while. It was all over the place the first 4 weeks for me. The anxiety has completely gone for me and I'm just starting week 5, I'm just having that totally flat feeling now where I'm not sad or happy just flat but I've been here before and it passed. Just try to accept all the symptoms (I know it's really hard) as best you can for the first few weeks till it all becomes easier. :-)

03-03-16, 20:41
I'm jealous that your anxiety has gone! I just started week 6 and my low mood has lifted but the constant anxiety is still present. It's a rollercoaster at the moment, in a day I can go from good to bad and back 8 times!

03-03-16, 21:58
You guys are so supportive.. I'm always really nervous about posting on forums in fear of negative feedback, but I don't regret it at all. So thank you for the reassurance, I'm happy to hear that it does get better and that I'm not alone in this. It really helps.

03-03-16, 22:10
What dose are you on Jay? My doc said 8 weeks for full effect on a particular dose before deciding increase ect... If you are having side effects and it's lifted your mood then it's defo doing something which could be a good sign. Maybe go see your doc at 8 weeks if still the same and see what he suggests.
Liveaboveit, the way I see it is were all in the same boat and of we can help each other then that's great. My family are great but they don't fully understand and it helps to share your fears and worries with others who understand. It's so much better to go through this journey with encouragement and support from people on here.
Jemma :-)

03-03-16, 23:49
I was on 10mg for a week and have been at 20mg for the last 4 weeks, so 5 weeks total. My doctor said he wouldn't even look at an increase until the completion of 8 weeks. He believes its not even until the 6th week at the very least until the medication begins to work at this dose.
I have been on various ad's in the past. I remember 2x being on paxil and having good results at about week 4-5 but the 3rd time it just made me really sick. Effexor didn't have as many start up side effects but took a good 10 weeks to really start to work. Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro and Pristiq I showed absolutely no improvement on... So I guess to have results so far on celexa although minimal is a good sign. Just have to ride it out and trust my doctors judgement. Hopefully in the next few weeks I improve further and it really starts to attack the all day anxiety!

---------- Post added at 23:49 ---------- Previous post was at 23:37 ----------

Most of us on here are the poor ones that have low tolerance to the side effects. Seeking reassurance constantly. Think how many people use these medications through out the world but there is about 5 of us currently active on this citalopram sub forum.

04-03-16, 05:38
But then about an hour after I take my pill, I notice that my body feels like it falls into a mild fight or flight and I get this strange feeling of impending doom in my stomach or just general unease, and just about any thought that I have brings on an immediate flash of fear.

This tends to go away about 6-8 hours later in the day where I start to feel fine towards the end of the night and all of the weird sensations seem to become very mild along with my thoughts.

Citalopram peaks at it's 80% approx. 4 hours. It has a half life of 35 hours.

So, it is perhaps possibly the reason but whether it would reduce so quickly I think is unlikely since it will take 31 more hours to go from 80-50%. Drug elimination is constantly slowing down, it doesn't eliminate at a steady rate, so I would think 6-8 wouldn't be long enough but it will have dipper by a certain amount so it's always possible.

Could it be the pattern of your anxiety? Mine was always much the first half of the day.

Don't worry about posting on here, we all know how hard these disorders are. You are amongst people who understand.

04-03-16, 07:34
My doc says the same, it's worth waiting till 8 weeks then if you are still the sane consider an increase to 30. I'm a lot better than I was although I know I'm not not right yet. We will all get there. I never thought about it that way with not many people on here although people might be reading and not posting so there may be more of us and it's looks like were all in different time zones! Your in Canada right?

04-03-16, 08:42
I am horrific starting up SSRI's and normally need benzos but my GP won't prescribe me them. I am about to start Citalopram for the 4th time in 13 years and am terrified. I am going to cut the 20mg pill into quarters hoping that helps minimise the start up effects though know it will take longer to work. I still had anxiety last time I was on it until I went up to 40mg. The increase from 20mg to the 40 was so easy as I was already used to having it in my blood stream, so the increase to the highest dose was nothing compared to the initial start up. I ws better within a fortnight and never had anxiety again until my doctor took me off after three years and after about 6 months the anxiety crept back. I so regret letting him take me off as start up for me is hell but once it kicks in, Citalopram has bene my miracle drug three previous times. xxxxx Do not worry about increasing though as it is nowhere near as bad as actually starting the drug from scratch. My pharmacist was also on Citalopram and told me the same thing.

04-03-16, 10:38
Yeah, Karen my experience was the same. I struggled badly starting but to be honest I wasn't prepared for how it could make me feel and when I tried my current SNRI I went through even worse but stuck it out.

I found once I was through the first 3 weeks it was greatly subsiding. It was month 2 when I started noticing any improvement and then again in month 3. From there things just got a lot better. I had far more success with Citalopram than my current med.

You kicked the Benzo's, you can handle this.

04-03-16, 18:07
Hi Jem. I'm actually an Aussie living in Canada, when I thought I was finally past all this I decided to pick up and travel... Have been here a year now. It has been tough at times as I have been away from my doctors and psychiatrists, so when it hit me again I was lost. Luckily I have found an English doctor from Manchester that studied mental health in London. He is so good to me and the accent barrier isn't there which makes it so much easier! I'm trying to get better enough to head back to aus but at the moment I have a job that I can work my own hours so while healing and recovering it's actually suitable. To go back full time is going to be hard and can't happen at this point. So moving home is just not an option. Kinda stuck but I'll be better again soon!

04-03-16, 18:19
I have a lot of family in Adelade, been there once but that was a long time ago. It's good you can work to suit, I'm still working full time which hasn't been easy at times but it's better than just sitting at home waiting. I have an app with my doctor on Monday which has actually come at a good time. It's really weird as all my anxiety has gone but I just feel like I have no feelings at all, good or bad and I'm not liking this at all. Someone could tell me my house was on fire and I'd be like 'oh right, whatever' I'm not depressed at all I feel just nothing, can't cry, can't get upset and can't feel happy either. It's actually really horrible. :-(

04-03-16, 18:20
Did you say this was your first time on an ad?

04-03-16, 18:36
No I've been on cit about 4 times before.

04-03-16, 18:47
What I noticed with antidepressants that worked for me is that it's a trade off. The horrid anxiety goes but stuck feeling apathetic, usually over a long period of time (months) . For me that's worth it because I know if I work at it I can feel emotion again. You may be putting extra focus on it this time around and really magnifying the fact you want to feel. I think you should shift the focus and really try and enjoy the that your anxiety has subsided. Of course I'm not a doctor or Psychologist so my input might be invalid but may still be worth a note

04-03-16, 18:51
Yeah you could be right, I didn't actually feel like this before the cit though I've never suffered with depression just anxiety so to suddenly feel this way is a bit of a shock. Part of me would prefer the anxiety with my feelings rather than feeling nothing at all. Can't win can you?

16-03-16, 00:20
If you stop citalopram, then start taking it again later, it can make you feel really ill. This may wear off in time, usually a couple of weeks or so, but if it persists ir gets worse you should talk to your doctor about it, as you may need to try something else.

16-03-16, 00:46
If you stop citalopram, then start taking it again later, it can make you feel really ill. This may wear off in time, usually a couple of weeks or so, but if it persists ir gets worse you should talk to your doctor about it, as you may need to try something else.

Does that include intense anxiety, panic and intrusive/racing thoughts type symptoms? Or do these sound like normal startup? Ive been on Citalopram 3 or 4 times previously, but usually only for 2 months at the most as with all ADs I have been on.

Do you have any other suggestions on what AD to try for GAD and panic besides Citalopram?

16-03-16, 07:43
Why only 2 months?

16-03-16, 09:41
Does that include intense anxiety, panic and intrusive/racing thoughts type symptoms? Or do these sound like normal startup? Ive been on Citalopram 3 or 4 times previously, but usually only for 2 months at the most as with all ADs I have been on.

Do you have any other suggestions on what AD to try for GAD and panic besides Citalopram?
Try counselling and no ADs at all. The cit poisoned my body and mind making me much worse.

16-03-16, 10:23
I'm only on Day 3 today but I take mine in the morning, I was always advised to do that. When I took it at night I had terrible insomnia but that said, I still had insomnia when I took it in the morning as well!
This time round I'm not experiencing insomnia so I may switch to the night.

At the moment, I start yawning excessively after about 2 - 3 hours of taking it and I feel like I'm floating completely out of it, however I know that's because I'm only on day 3 and the out of it feeling will go in the next few days. I also experience a tidal wave of anxiety as well. I know for sure when its kicking in.

One of the reasons I came off the drug previously was because I couldn't cope with the tiredness. I kept nodding off in work meetings and also at the wheel. I just struggled to keep my eyes open. I am going to have to
manage that this time around.

I can happily say that I am nowhere near as bad as I was previously when I was going on cit. I must of been in a very very bad place then. Mind you it is only day 3, fingers crossed.

Do any of you still get the horrible morning, stomach rumbles, feeling of dread, anxiety in the pit of your stomach. I know this will go, but that is the worst feeling ever. I find a nice hot shower gets rid of it and as soon as I get up an moving things get better.

No diazepam for me yet. I know its only 10!!!! lol

Good luck everybody.


---------- Post added at 10:14 ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 ----------

Does that include intense anxiety, panic and intrusive/racing thoughts type symptoms? Or do these sound like normal startup? Ive been on Citalopram 3 or 4 times previously, but usually only for 2 months at the most as with all ADs I have been on.

Do you have any other suggestions on what AD to try for GAD and panic besides Citalopram?

2 months? you will not be getting the full effect of an AD after 2 months. I have been on nearly every SSRI, a tricyclic and a couple of SNRIs as well as Pregabalin (Lyrica). I have GAD too, I was diagnosed with this in the psych ward. Believe me I have found Citilopram to be the best and fixed me 100% in the end.

Your racing thoughts, I had these last time I went on cit. I was constantly bombarded with thoughts, it was torture. I couldn't keep still and I couldn't think. The pdoc tried me on some antipsychotics but they didn't do anything to calm my brain. Do you have any diazepam\Ativan or anything to help?

Trust me they are start-up symptoms. You probably cant tolerate Citalopram this time round as well as you have done previously but stick with it. I had all this for 9 weeks maybe longer. Have faith in the pill it will work eventually give it time.

Any advice you need just ask.



---------- Post added at 10:19 ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 ----------

The problem with counselling alone is that you have to be in a stable place to start with. I had all sorts of counselling and I couldn't even pay attention to what they said I was in such a bad place. Medication and therapy is recommended and then eventually get off the drugs. I thought citalopram was poisoning me, believe me I was shouting at the pdoc at one point telling him how damaging the tablets were and how they were making me worse (they did, I ended up in hostpital) and then everything worked. I was so pleased to of not given up.

---------- Post added at 10:23 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

If you stop citalopram, then start taking it again later, it can make you feel really ill. This may wear off in time, usually a couple of weeks or so, but if it persists ir gets worse you should talk to your doctor about it, as you may need to try something else.

I can concur with that, I got akathesia but stopping and starting and it was horrendous, that is what finally sent me into the ward.

16-03-16, 10:28
Definitely still get that horrible feeling of dread in the mornings, complete with a churning stomach & rumblings. It's the worst time of day for me. I found it passed after a couple of weeks and by week 4 it was milder but I just felt really grumpy - but I never have been a morning person!
I take mine before bed because I found I had sleep troubles whatever time of day I took them.

16-03-16, 10:53
Definitely still get that horrible feeling of dread in the mornings, complete with a churning stomach & rumblings. It's the worst time of day for me. I found it passed after a couple of weeks and by week 4 it was milder but I just felt really grumpy - but I never have been a morning person!
I take mine before bed because I found I had sleep troubles whatever time of day I took them.

Lol Suzie. Yes its horrible, even though I know it will subside if I get out of bed, I just don't have the motivation unless I've got to go and see a customer. Hopefully it will get better soon.

Thanks for your reply


16-03-16, 21:58
Liveaboveit - Re-starting cit can cause those symptoms whether you got them the first time round or not. In my case it was so horrific I came back off them and switched to mirtazapine, which certainly did not create any bad side effects.

It turns out I've got ADHD and Asperger syndrome and when they started me on strattera, it started working almost immediately. The first few days were very rocky but it settled down quickly. The difference between strattera and citalopram is ridiculous. However, in my case, citalopram should never been administered, which is why I had such a severe reaction, and being autistic I notice side effects way more than most people would.

With the above in mind, it could be that you simply don't need citalopram and need something else, or your issues could be the result of an undiagnosed condition. If that's the case, you might respond amazingly if they prescribe you the appropriate treatment. In my honest opinion, anyone who's really struggling to get onto cit should try something else. Otherwise, like me, your experience of getting into medication might create so many problems that it will be counter-productive.

16-03-16, 23:38
Liveaboveit - Re-starting cit can cause those symptoms whether you got them the first time round or not. In my case it was so horrific I came back off them and switched to mirtazapine, which certainly did not create any bad side effects.

It turns out I've got ADHD and Asperger syndrome and when they started me on strattera, it started working almost immediately. The first few days were very rocky but it settled down quickly. The difference between strattera and citalopram is ridiculous. However, in my case, citalopram should never been administered, which is why I had such a severe reaction, and being autistic I notice side effects way more than most people would.

With the above in mind, it could be that you simply don't need citalopram and need something else, or your issues could be the result of an undiagnosed condition. If that's the case, you might respond amazingly if they prescribe you the appropriate treatment. In my honest opinion, anyone who's really struggling to get onto cit should try something else. Otherwise, like me, your experience of getting into medication might create so many problems that it will be counter-productive.

Im actually thinking about getting off of the Citalopram, Im starting to become really manic and aggressive, withdrawn, stuck in my own thoughts to an almost vegatative state... but Im terrified.. I started on 20mg from the getgo and Ive been on them since Feb 12th.. Im terrified of withdrawal because it was withdrawal from Effexor Xr that triggered this horrid anxiety in the first place..

Should I lower down to 10mg? Will these diminish some of the effects from the pill? Please help.

Catherine S
16-03-16, 23:52
I don't have any experience with Cit', but I do take a beta blocker for anxiety and to control the 'missed ' heartbeats and flutters, but paradoxically about an hour after taking the tablet, my heart skips around a bit for around half to 1 hour before settling down again. It can then come and go a few times the rest of the day, but even with this strange side effect, I know that without this med the palpitations would be ten times worse.


16-03-16, 23:54
Oh Live - I wish I could help you - I answered your other thread - you are so close to nailing this med it would be a shame to stop now...you are so close to sanctuary and I know it's hard but you can do it x Do you have anything to distract you or any other meds to help you at this hard bit?:hugs:

Catherine S
17-03-16, 00:07
Yes, I've only just realised this is a duplicate thread :)


17-03-16, 00:29
Sorry about that the duplicate threat, I haven't been in a very good place lately.

---------- Post added at 19:29 ---------- Previous post was at 19:26 ----------

Oh Live - I wish I could help you - I answered your other thread - you are so close to nailing this med it would be a shame to stop now...you are so close to sanctuary and I know it's hard but you can do it x Do you have anything to distract you or any other meds to help you at this hard bit?:hugs:

I wish I knew some of you in person, so I could actually face to face with someone that understands all of this. This whole experience makes me feel very trapped and alone. I just don't know if I have another couple weeks in me to continue to go through this panic cycle. It feels like I just cannot stop worrying. I don't know what is the pill and what is me, I just feel like I keep getting way worse and it doesn't feel like its ever going to end.

It feels like nothing makes sense anymore, there is no buildup to panic, it just happens now.. Its like my anxiety is so high that it takes a pin dropping to send me into panic and that is so not me.. I don't know if this is the pill or just have far down I've fallen and I don't know how to not be afraid of it all. I just cant find peace anywhere, because sleep doesn't come easily anymore either.

17-03-16, 00:30
Have you used your benzos in the past few days?

17-03-16, 00:40
Have you used your benzos in the past few days?

Yeah, I have .5mg of Klonopin, which I take half in the afternoon and half before bed for sleep alongside the Citalopram.

It does help some, but it doesn't do anything for my excessive worry and fear. Maybe I'm just not taking enough, I'm just worried about taking the whole pill because I was only given 10 pills and it feels like it wears off after about 9 hours or so.. But this could also be just my anxiety breaking through, I dont know anymore.

---------- Post added at 19:40 ---------- Previous post was at 19:37 ----------

The other problem is that I live such an isolated life. I don't have much of a support system besides my girlfriend, but she's got so much on her plate right now besides this. It doesn't matter anyway, because I have it stuck in my head that no one can help me. I'm trying to adjust this attitude that I'm just going crazy, but its very dug in.

I dont really have anything to do during the days, no job or close friends as I live in another state for the last few years and all of my family is across the country. Normally I would watch movies or play on the computer, but I can't seem to cocentrate on a damn thing besides the anxiety and my worry.

The only solace I get is from when I'm here, typing about my situation and whats going on. For whatever reason this focuses my mind, but thats about it.