View Full Version : Back into full panic mode :(

03-03-16, 21:29
Not sure how I go downhill so rapidly in the space of 2 days!

Can anyone give me any advice on setbacks please ?



03-03-16, 21:51
Hi, sorry you are having a blip. I am also having a total setback after being good for so long. I was coping quite well and living normally-ish then I got a sore throat and found a red mark on the back of my throat. It went away within a day or so, it was just probably with a scratch or something, but I then got a sore chest and back and so it started me off on my spiral of fear again. I am now finding it hard to cope with it.

Maybe something small like that has triggered your anxiety to return for no apparent reason? What happened on the day you started to feel bad, anything you can remember?

03-03-16, 22:13
Put your setback into perspective, it's been two rough days, tomorrow is another day and it doesn't need to be the same. Have a good night sleep and tell yourself tomorrow is going to be better, think about positive things in your life rather than the negative.
Don't dwell on the 'what ifs', they are not a reality, remember this anxiety is all in our minds so try to fight back any negative thoughts with positive ones, try not to dwell on one issue, especially if you have no control over that issue.
Finally, remember how you got to the point you were at two days ago, what helped lower your anxiety then.

04-03-16, 09:22
Maybe something small like that has triggered your anxiety to return for no apparent reason? What happened on the day you started to feel bad, anything you can remember?

CeeCeeCee - I saw a tiny spot on my boob and even though I didn't dwell long, my whole mood changed to fear and sadness.

Traceypo - am off to work in a minute, will try and channel my positives as best I can today!

Thanks xx

04-03-16, 11:57
There you go then, exactly the same as me. A tiny little mark that was nothing but it reminded you that things can go wrong with your body and it made you sad. I hate feeling like this as I'm sure you do, because it's not like me at other times, when I'm 'ok' as I have been since before Christmas, I am a different person altogether.

Traceypo talks a lot of sense, she puts things right into perspective. "try not to dwell on one issue, especially if you have no control over that issue" We should both take heed! :-)

04-03-16, 16:30
We should!

I can't believe the difference in the "HA me" and the more "normal me"!

It's a bit like the old saying of "When it's good, it's very, very good and when it's bad it's horrid" .. Have started wondering if I'm maybe bipolar.. HA off again there!

04-03-16, 17:15
Haha,I've toyed with the bipolar thoughts too. If you can attach a sense of humour to HA it does become less scary.

04-03-16, 17:26
I'm quite bad for humour.. ex-military so I have military humour, and I now work for the NHS which brings a different kind of humour altogether! I wish I could remember it all when I'm off on one for some reason or another! x:blush:

04-03-16, 17:40
How are you feeling today? Better than when you started this thread?

04-03-16, 17:42
Aah littleGsMama, I also found a little spot on my boob recently what are the odds! I keep checking it everynight to see if it goes down! I know the feeling of sadness when you worry about something, even if you aren't actually worrying. I've felt absolutely dreadful today almost as though a black cloud is hanging over me. Are you also depressed as I am and it enhances my HA and vice versa.

04-03-16, 18:10
How are you feeling today? Better than when you started this thread?

Hi WP.. Yoyo-ing.. had a better sleep which always helps. I'm feeling good for a while, then scared and down, and back again. When I'm down, my ENT worries raise their head!

KeeKee - I do suffer with depression as well as the HA.. that started just before the HA and has all kind of mixed in with it.. I know that black cloud! x