View Full Version : Small moveable node in side of jaw?

04-03-16, 00:17
I've come to terms with most of lymph nodes. I'm a slim Jim so I feel majority of them. Mostly under jawline but ive discovered on in side of jaw? On the right side? I currently have a cold if this makes any difference and the side of jaw feels slightly stiff. No pain or anything. Anything?

04-03-16, 00:57

Nope.... PS... reassurance isn't an effective way to deal with your anxiety and stop poking and prodding! :)

Positive thoughts

04-03-16, 05:03
There are several lymph nodes near the jaw near the back and several near the front.

Lymph nodes carry debris around the body to the place where it is gathered. If the demand for a lymph node increases beyond what it normally does, it is likely to swell. So, when you have a cough/cold, your immune system is working harder and more is going to be getting cleared and lymph nodes are well known to respond to localised infection by swelling as part of the immune response.

You've got a cold. The lymph node is near the jaw. The jaw is near where some of the colds symptoms present.

My mum told me as child that swollen glands in the neck often happen due to a cough/cold. I know these days that there are a lot of glands and many of them near areas typically most affected by coughs & colds.