View Full Version : Akathisia, drug induced anxiety other problems. Will this last forever?

04-03-16, 00:40
So for a while now iv'e been experiencing a number of symptoms. At the moment it seems to be an unshakable sense of anxiety and depression with mild Akathisia-like restless legs (I had severe drug induced akathisia in December due to my psychiatrist giving me too high a dose to Risperidone to help me cope with my anxiety but i'm off that now). I'm aware that being on the drug after a long time can cause sometimes irreversible "brain-shrinkage" so I suspect that may or may not be playing a part in this.

I'm also experiencing fever like symptoms with hot feeling skin without any actual temperature (worse when I wear headphones) and even dizziness at times when I'm tired.

Iv'e been on Fluoxetine for as long as I was on risperidone (5-6 years) but it's not helping with my mood.

This all kicked off when I took MD or powdered ecstacy at a friends party in November last year. I highly regret this and think this has caused some kind of chemical imbalance or damage in my brain causing the anxiety.

A few days ago I came across a post in this forum of somebody who has been through something very similar to me. He suggested vitamins and a low GI diet so I'm going to try that to see if it will somehow stabilise my brain.

I'm only 18, I feel like Iv'e had such a crap beginning to my life, I hope to God I recover fully and the rest of my life turns out okay.

Do you think I will be stuck like this forever?