View Full Version : Update on lump

04-03-16, 06:55
So iv had a lump three years terrified it's a sarcoma as read they can grow slow, not always deep can be just below skin like mine. I went bk to see my gp explained how badly this has taken over my life. She doesn't think it's anything bad as my ultrasound didn't show anything. She said what she can do is write to sarcoma specialist with all my symptoms, what tests iv had and see if he thinks I need to be seen. Iv got to go bk in six weeks to discuss. I'm trying not to worry or poke at my lump, would a specialist know from what gp says whether it sounds like a sarcoma without examination.

04-03-16, 09:40
Your doctor is trying to passify you by offering to write to a sarcoma specialist. She is trying to give you extra reassurance when she knows full well that it isn't a cancer. The trouble with reassurance is that it only works in the short term, then the 'what ifs' start coming back. Trust me, I know, I've been there and I can tell you it doesn't work, because the next thing that happens is when the specialist writes back and says it's nothing you are okay for a while then you start to think "well, the specialist never saw me, how could he possibly know what it is from a description? I need to be seen," then you go back to GP demanding an appointment.
It is very likely that you have a lipoma, which is a harmless fatty lump under the skin that can grow, but very very slowly. The problem you seem to have (and which I suffer from too, and I suppose countless other HA people do) is that we can't deal with uncertainty and we are very tuned in to our bodies.
Please trust the doctor.
C x

04-03-16, 13:24
I know only doing this to try and reassure me. I can't believe after three years I'm still worried about same thing. I feel like I'm never happy