View Full Version : Left Shoulder Pain

04-03-16, 15:15
I have had an ache in my left shoulder for about 2 weeks now. It starts at the top, near my neck, and travels down to about my elbow. My muscles seem to be tighter on that side, but I've tried stretches, massage, ice, heat, everything...nothing seems to be making it better. Last time I had shoulder pain (the other arm) my inflamed gallbladder caused the pain, so I'm concerned it could be something similar. Any ideas of what this could be? My insurance is so bad that I have a hard time getting to the doctor without having to spend $1000. Any suggestions would be welcomed :)

04-03-16, 17:20
Does it hurt much more when you lift your arm up or use that shoulder as in having a frozen shoulder or is it just a constant ache/pain that is not altered dramatically by movement as this could be from your neck rather than your shoulder. Obviously only a Dr can tell you what could be causing it , the above is just a pointer from personal experience.

Can you afford to see a physiotherapist or chiropractor as they specialise in the musculo skeletal system and I have found them to be very knowledgable and could be a first port of call before your Dr if this would be cheaper for you. They would also tel you if they thought you needed to see a dr as soon as possible.

04-03-16, 18:19
It doesn't hurt when I lift my arm- it does hurt a bit when I turn my neck the opposite way, but really it's more just like an ache and some shooting pains. Nothing debilitating, but enough to notice it and wonder why my shoulder hurts! I can't tell if it's muscular or nerve or something else..

04-03-16, 22:08
I'm not a Dr but it sounds even more as if your neck could be causing this in which case a physio or chiropractor could be very helpful. They often have more knowledge than a general family Dr as this is their speciality.