View Full Version : Anxiety getting better??

04-03-16, 16:51
In November I went off my birth control. I feel like my anxiety has gotten so much better. I have had less anxiety attacks and I even made it through a funeral for my husbands aunt. Usually that would have been a horrible event because of all the people I didn't really know( only met them once 5 years ago) plus it was in a huge city which also sets off my anxiety. I feel like I was just " normal" people anxious. Not knowing what to say to strangers crying about a person ive never met. hope this doesn't sounds cold but I'm just giving the facts. I know the setting was a horrible thing to have happen but I can't help but feel happy I made it thru it with about a panic attack at all. Even my husband has noticed a difference. Maybe it's just in my head but I honestly feel like it's getting better. I have no idea what birth control has to do with anxiety or maybe it's a coincidence. Who knows?

04-03-16, 17:47
Maybe a coincidence, maybe not, but great. Really great. I hope you recovery continues and may I say it even improve.

05-03-16, 08:04
It's definitely a thread for other women so perhaps a well worded title about anxiety and birth control might get some hits.

I know I've seen some discussing anxiety and coils in the past.

05-03-16, 15:05
Thanks. I'll repost on the women's forum later on.

05-03-16, 18:02
What birth control were you using misslove?