View Full Version : Claustrophobia

02-03-07, 17:35
Ive noticed that generally people who suffer from anxiety have a high tendancy to suffer from agoraphobia. Which I can totally understand as my mother had it for years.

However Im now going through a prticularly bad bout of anxiety at the moment and I get claustrophobic :confused: (Sorry about the spelling). I find it difficult to wash my face, having a shower etc... the night time makes me feel closed in :( . Does anyone else get like this? Also does anyone know of techniques I could use to get rid of this feeling?

Is this unusual at all?

02-03-07, 17:50
I have a similar problem, I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks and agoraphobia but I do find bathrooms in particular very claustrophobic and will even put off going to the toilet for as long as possible. I've not found any techniques that work for me either.


02-03-07, 18:09
I too have claustraphobia AND agoraphobia!

Strange isn't it.


03-03-07, 21:56
Thank you Nigel.xx