View Full Version : I have a cold and my knee aches...

04-03-16, 18:43
Me again! So I have a general cold but my thigh muscles feel tender and my left knee aches very very mildly. This has been on an off for a week. It's a 2/10 on the pain scale, wouldn't even call it pain more like a cramp.

Worrying about leukemia (?!)

04-03-16, 18:48
Me again! So I have a general cold but my thigh muscles feel tender and my left knee aches very very mildly. This has been on an off for a week. It's a 2/10 on the pain scale, wouldn't even call it pain more like a cramp.

Worrying about leukemia (?!)

Ok... Reb, I know you're having some pretty rough anxiety/HA issues but c'mon now... really? leukemia? :huh:

Positive thoughts

04-03-16, 19:02
I know it sounds ridiculous but I rwsd about a student who had a fever and leg pain and was diagnosed. X

04-03-16, 19:18
I know it sounds ridiculous

Yeah, you pretty much nailed it. The reason I lay it out there like I do is because despite an irrational post like this, you truly show total rationality many times in your posts. I know you know better and I'm calling you on it as well as challenging you to beat back the dragon when you know he's messing with you :winks:

Positive thoughts

04-03-16, 21:19
He's putting up a good fight but so am I x

---------- Post added at 20:54 ---------- Previous post was at 19:40 ----------

Is it normal for neck and forehead to feel warm with a cold?

---------- Post added at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ----------

I now have a headache one side coming and going!

04-03-16, 21:52

All of what you have mentioned are normal with a cold. You can get a fever with a cold as well - just your body trying to fight off infection. It means your body is working!

Some of these pains can also be associated with tension, which comes from anxiety.

So there are two, totally harmless, incredibly likely causes for your stressors.

Are you getting any help for your anxiety?

04-03-16, 22:16
No not yet I'm quite adamant on beating it on my own as silly as that seems with current posts.

05-03-16, 01:06
In my experience, it helps to have help.

I went through really bad HA about 8 years ago...after 3 very, very long years and one year that was challenging but not so bad, I thought I had beaten it. I still had anxiety, but it was more "real world" anxiety (jobs, grades, friendships, self esteem, etc.) To me, that was rational and a relief! Of course, this is also when my depression set in.

Anyway, a few years later and I'm back in the rut of it. I finally decided that I was tired of being on this treadmill, tired of being alone, so I sought out a counselor...who encouraged me to talk to my parents and my GP...who referred me to a psychiatrist.

Not saying you *need* medication, but it can be really, really helpful to find at least one qualified person to talk to - even if its' just a counselor. The thing with anxiety/depression is we can get into these nasty ruts and it influences our way of thinking and our subconscious - and as long as we practice these behaviors, the harder they are to break.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. Frankly, it can be helpful to have a support system just to sound off your fears to someone else. Sometimes saying them out loud helps to rationalize them - other times it's nice to have someone tell you that your fears aren't stupid, but will point out why they're not rational.

Of course, with anxiety sometimes we can identify that our fears aren't rational but because we've been doing this for so long, we still feel that fear...and it's nice to have help for those moments too. :)


05-03-16, 11:16
I had this as a kid but I didnthave Internet to fuel it. I had a counsellor at school and I was 'cured' for almost 8 years. It came back as GAD and then when I had a scare AND my mom had skin cancer it spiralled.