View Full Version : Anxiety problems, always think I'm dying from something.

05-03-16, 00:49
So basically around a month ago I was in the ER for what came to be a panic attack. I have never really had one before and so I'm not sure if my head is playing tricks on me or what. I initially thought I was having a heart attack, but they did an EKG and blood work and said everything was fine. Fast forward, I am now noticing any ache or pressure in my body. Last week or so I noticed pressure under my left rib cage and therefore couldn't really use the bath room much. That passed for a couple of days but then came back after a nighthawk of drinking. Secondly I've had weird sensations in my arm pit. It doesn't hurt really? Just feels odd like I'm holding my stress there. Lastly I woke up today with a knot on my inner forearm. Their is no mass or swelling, it is just sore so I am thinking that I just slept wrong on it. But my mind keeps jumping and thinking that I have some sort of cancer or deadly disease. I was previously on citalopram for depression and began it again after my hospital visit. I've read this forum a couple of times and like what everyone has said. Sorry for the long post, I am just kinda at a lost as to what to do. I'm sick of my mind making my body unhealthy, I've never really experience anything like this so I'm just lost.

05-03-16, 01:29
This is like what happened to me last year. After eating my dinner, I sat watching TV when suddenly I felt my heart beating fast, I have felt a sensation of impending doom, I was rushed to the nearest hospital, ECG and blood test were done, also urine and stool, all came back normal. The doctor told me it was a PANIC ATTACK which I believed since that time I was depressed and in so much stress. After that event, I have experienced tons of physical symptoms, believe me I have almost experienced all body aches and new addition is this upper back pain more like in the center(spinal pain?). I’m sure you’re suffering from Anxiety disorder. The symptoms are real, your head doesn't play tricks on you, you’re suffering real symptoms but that doean't mean your body parts/organs are defective, it's just how anxiety mimics sinister diseases symptoms. Hope you’re fine, we're all in this together buddy.

05-03-16, 02:20
I've come to realise or starting to at least that anxiety is a funny thing. I've started to notice every ache, pain and twitch my body has and straight away diagnose myself with something awful. i also doubt myself to weather the pain, itch or symptom is really there. Your not alone I'm pretty new to this but there is some wonderful people on here with great advice and experience