View Full Version : Should I take antibiotics?

05-03-16, 10:13
This is a pretty dumb question I know.
3 Days I am sick with a cold. I have sore throat, I cough, I have headache but apparently no fever. Although I feel a bit fatigued.
Should I take some antibiotics cause I am afraid that I could get bronchitis or pneumonia if i only continue to take paracetamol?

05-03-16, 15:36
Antibiotics are for bacterial infections and won't do a thing for viral infections. Unless you've been diagnosed with an issue that warrants them and prescribed to take them, ride out the cold.

Positive thoughts

05-03-16, 19:43
As fishmanpa says they are totally useless for viral infections and a cold is a virus.

It takes at least 2 weeks for a cold virus to come and go in you so unless you develop high temp with other bacterial symptoms there is no need for antibiotics.

06-03-16, 05:33
I think the decision on taking antibiotics is one for a doctor.

Colds can cause infections of a bacterial nature, hence why I've had so many antibiotics for chest infections over the years (I'm asthmatic) but until it develops into an infection of that nature, they are not needed and to determine the difference between viral and bacterial is one for a doctor.

I suggest dosing up on vitamin C. It will help your immune system and can potentially help with infection too.

06-03-16, 14:08
There’s a blog that I’ve read, it says FEVER is a way for the body to eliminate bacteria or viruses, these buggers can’t live in hot temperatures. So, having fever is more of a benefit than not having it. Take lozanges(strepsils) for your sore throat.