View Full Version : Sound Sensitive

05-03-16, 12:47
Since my breakdown 2 years ago, I am sensitive to sound.

At times it is unbearable.
It's not just the sudden noise of a Police siren or a car, it's normal sounds that seem magnified 10 times their normal sound.

For instance; the toilet being flushed, the noise of the plates when washing up, a door shutting and especially the noise they make with that coffee machine they use in Cafes. It seems so loud it makes my head shudder. :ohmy:

05-03-16, 12:54
Im the same!!!! Sometimes when my husband talks i flinch or when i put the plates etc away x

05-03-16, 13:01
My partner laughed at something on TV last night and I nearly jumped out of my skin! :scared15:

05-03-16, 13:05
Its frustrating isnt it,(& stressful as well) i always have to brave myself if i know certain noises (clapling,doors shutting,shouting) is coming x

05-03-16, 13:09
I have also noticed that my sense of smell is also strong and when the sun shines, I have to wear sunglasses, because it makes my eyes water.

So, I think it is all the senses.