View Full Version : Lumps in Groin

05-03-16, 18:42
Either side of my coin I have two long lumps that move side to side they are softish. I am a ripped muscular build. Just wondering if anyone else can feel these and what they might be they are as long as one side of a ten pence to the other just curious I have had them long time and one side the lump is longer than the other

05-03-16, 20:33
Being as lean as you say, it wouldn't be unusual to be able to feel the lymph nodes located in your groin as you describe. Sounds perfectly normal.

Positive thoughts

05-03-16, 21:30
Exactly like me. They're just lymph nodes, not even swollen. Groin lymph nodes are bigger than lymph nodes anywhere else in the body, they're easily palpable in skinny or lean people. And one of mine is also bigger than the others but that's not important, we're not perfectly even and symmetrical.