View Full Version : Heath Anxiety

02-03-07, 19:38
I am a little scared at the momment i have been getting theses pains down my left arm dose anyone else get this i am very scared.

Gareth.:confused: :confused: :confused:

03-03-07, 04:09
Pains down your left arm could be muscular but I expect you're worried it's your heart. Without knowing more about it, I can't say either way, but do go to your doc if you're worried, that's what they're there for, if he/she dismisses your fears then try to get another doc that understands what it 's like to be scared.

04-03-07, 12:06
Hi Gareth,

I've had this before, the first time was about 8 years ago, as i didn't know what it was I googled and I don't need to tell you what it said!!! So I went off to the doctor who checked me out and said nothing was wrong and that it was muscular, to cut a long story short I didn't believe him and paniced myself so much I ended up in A&E which was actually quite embarrasing as they said the same thing and made me feel about a foot tall, anyway this went on for some time on and off and everytime it happened I used to worry and think OMG this is it. Then my friend suggested accpuncture, I was a bit sceptical at first but went and after a couple if sessions the pains had gone and I don't get them anymore.

The problem is that the more you worry about it the worse the tension gets so the worse the pains are, I'm sure you know that anyway!!

Try not to concentrate on it ( I know easy for me to say). If you are still worried go see the Doc for reassurance but I bet you he tells you its muscular:hugs:

Take care


04-03-07, 13:07
hiya there hogwarts, yep once in awhile I get those pains down my left arm and tension in my shoulders, but I know for me its really anxiety, I learned to monitor myself under stress and always always get the tension in my neck and arm, so it could well just be anxiousness causing the the pain in your arm, try monitoring yourself for a while and see what you come up with. other than that if you do need reasurrance the doc is a good place to start too. take care of you. skylight

05-03-07, 14:13
Thanks for all your addvice its good to know that there is someone here to talk to.
