View Full Version : Shingles anyone?

05-03-16, 20:48
So long story short... Nurse practitioner at walk in center said 'and watch that mark on your forehead in case it develops into shingles' .... It probably won't but We treat it aggressively on the face incase it effects brain nerves.

And why dont our medial records say HEALTH ANXIETY in huge bright red letters when a medical practitioner brings them up?? So they don't say STUPID things like that to us.

I dont Google, so I do t know how likely this is, I'm tempted, but I will bury my head in the 'I've never heard of it before' sand and keep an eye on it as instructed.

And I will take my antibiotics for my 'that's odd' swollen eye and my 'well it's reacting to something' achy swollen gland.


Anyone have anything reassuring to say? Thank you.

Skkyee xx

05-03-16, 21:43
I can understand why the nurse said what she did but also thats it not really the best thing for someone with health anxiety.

Shingles would give you alot of pain in the affected area and it would be nerve pain. They really worry if the blisters are heading for your eye area as this is very serious and this is probably what she meant.

It sounds more like you have an infection hence the antibiotics. Sensible to keep and "eye" on the area though in case you notice any line of blisters and if you do then get yourself back asap as the anti viral meds for shingles work well if taken early enough.

I don't know if it happens to you but if any stranger sat next to me on the bus etc starts chatting its always a story of some relative/friend with some really rare fatal illness:scared15:. Not polite to say shut up I don't want to know but certainly feel like it:)

05-03-16, 22:08
Thanks, yes, I should wear a badge telling people not to talk to me about medical stuff... or to only tell me good stories!!

No, I have no pain as such, just swelling, which actually may have reduced, maybe.

I will keep a level head and try to wait it out.

Fingers crossed it turns out to be something which will respond to the meds :-)

Skkyee xx

---------- Post added at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

Incidentally... how fast would shingles develop? I've had this swelling progressively increasing since tuesday/wednesday.


06-03-16, 17:25
Hi. I've had shingles, it was on my tummy and lower back in a line though. Never heard of it on the face. It was painful for about a day and I did feel unwell, flu like for a few days before the rash came out but it did clear up Very quickly with no lasting after effects. I was as right as rain and raring to go a week after the rash developed. I really don't think you have it but in the unlikely event you do, it's not that awful. Meds and a few days rest will do the trick x

06-03-16, 17:35
Thanx! Been feeling a bit rubbish today ... Eye still swollen... but still no rash. Certainly fighting something tho. Possibly feeling rubbish side effects of the antibiotics too tho. Just up and down, tired, lethargic and a little headachy... I didn't read the meds leaflet. It would just trigger me so I am practicing avoidance.

06-03-16, 20:20
IF you have a bacterial infection in the skin around your eye or face then this will make you feel pretty grotty and the antibiotics they use are pretty powerful as well. As long as the swelling and redness don't get any worse then as they say keep taking the tablets and hopefully all will settle down.

06-03-16, 20:25
Yep, in fact, I think everything is gradually getting a bit better :-) Wish I didn't always have to over think these things :-)

Thank you for all the words of wisdom :-)


06-03-16, 21:59
I had shingles years ago on my neck and was lucky to get an antiviral prescribed for it quickly, I was over the worst within a week or so. I remember the strange feelings I had when it was getting better, it felt exactly as if ice was being held against my skin.

06-03-16, 23:22
I'm thinking this isn't shingles... No rash and little pain. She kind of mentioned it as an aside, as she noticed a blemish on my forehead, just told me to be aware of it. Fingers crossed anyway. The original symptoms I went to the Drs with, while still very present are a bit better. So I'm thinking.... I might just be on the mend. Tho anything is possible!!

Trying to stay rational :-)

Thanks for your comment :-)
