View Full Version : What are your physical symptoms of anxiety

06-03-16, 05:36
Hi all,

I'll just come right out with it and admit I am having a very rough few days and struggling immensely with what I consider to be physical symptoms of anxiety.

What I wish to ask is how others feel it physically and perhaps how some of you relieve these feelings.

Currently I have:

- Blurred vision
- Pounding heart (but not overly fast)
- Legs like jelly, feel like I can't walk.
- dizziness - sometimes have to hold onto things as feel like I'm going to fall over
- intense pressure/tension in shoulders and neck
- sudden feelings of vertigo, like I might pass out (I have never ever fainted so I don't really know what that would feel like)

It's all very frightening as in the past my anxiety symptoms have always been the usual peeing and pooping a lot, feeling hot and a bit shakey and sometimes throwing up. This is a whole new level which has left me today unable to leave the house.

I'm also having insane insomnia and waking in the small hours heart pounding and only getting about 4 hours a night the past week or so.

I have actually been ill with a virus but these are not normal virus feelings, not to me anyway.

At a bit of a loss


06-03-16, 06:34
Hi Shaz,

Have you seen these threads too:


Some people set up longer running threads to talk about anxiety symptoms so they may prove useful to you.

The insomnia could be adding to some of this. I know when I had bad nights it would effect me in many ways e.g. mood, concentration, negativity (despair, hopelessness, etc), poor memory (couldn't think of certain words, struggled with maths despite being good at that, for instance), fatigue, nausea, headaches, etc. I think the feeling faint can be too as I had some of that tied in with the head issues.

I hope you feel better soon. :hugs::flowers:

06-03-16, 06:56

I get all of the symptoms you are experiencing, I am going through a particular bad time with dizziness at the moment and with the thumping heart etc.

I do not know how to help it but I do know the more I worry about it the worse it is.

I spent all of yesterday in the house as I felt too bad to go out.

Unfortunately I find nobody understands how bad it is unless they have been through it.
Hope u feel better soon

06-03-16, 07:11

I get all of the symptoms you are experiencing, I am going through a particular bad time with dizziness at the moment and with the thumping heart etc.

I do not know how to help it but I do know the more I worry about it the worse it is.

I spent all of yesterday in the house as I felt too bad to go out.

Unfortunately I find nobody understands how bad it is unless they have been through it.
Hope u feel better soon

Sorry to hear you are having a rough time too. It's totally crippling isn't it? And isolating?

By all accounts there are hundreds of physical manifestations of anxiety! I'm just struggling with the new ones and struggling to believe it's all in my head.

Let's hope for a better tomorrow!

---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

Hi Shaz,

Have you seen these threads too:


Some people set up longer running threads to talk about anxiety symptoms so they may prove useful to you.

The insomnia could be adding to some of this. I know when I had bad nights it would effect me in many ways e.g. mood, concentration, negativity (despair, hopelessness, etc), poor memory (couldn't think of certain words, struggled with maths despite being good at that, for instance), fatigue, nausea, headaches, etc. I think the feeling faint can be too as I had some of that tied in with the head issues.

I hope you feel better soon. :hugs::flowers:

Thanks Terry,

As I'm sure you understand I haven't been in a headspace to look through threads and find ones on what I've mentioned. Can't focus on anything at all as finding it hard to accept this is all anxiety.

I definitely have physical stuff going on but nothing that would cause these symptoms. However even though I KNOW it's anxiety I'm having trouble BELIEVING it. Then I just get so frustrated with it all. A week or so ago I was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, driving more, actually enjoying outings with the dogs and even read two whole books (I haven't been able to read anything for months).

This tightness particularly is all new and I find myself feeling like I'm walking on a boat on a rough sea and I feel my movements are all jerky and not in control. I expect my poor body has just had so much stress with all the med disasters etc it's just my nervous system responding to that stress.

It's always good to share though and try and put it into perspective.

Seeing psychiatrist again Tuesday and hoping she can shed some light, re-look at meds while I await therapy. Meanwhile have been trying some guided meditations for temporary distraction if not relief.

06-03-16, 08:40
That's ok Shaz, I only added the links because there are some excellent long running threads around about symptoms and they will have far more (and more personal given how some may describe them) symptoms listed than the articles tend to gave.

The lack of sleep could easily be giving you the jelly legs, the blurred vision, dizziness, vertigo, weakness, etc. So, whilst it's not specifically perhaps anxiety, it is coming from a symptom of your anxiety - bad insomnia.

You would be surprised how much sleep deprivation affects people, it is a form of torture after all. I can always remember a TV programme they did over here many years ago like Big Brother (you have that over there, I think?) but it was a sleep deprivation study. They would have them doing tasks to measure how they coped and the changes in their abilities. After so many days they had to rest some of them because of how bad they were affected. I can remember one guy not being able to recall his own name.

For the muscle stiffness, you could try something like Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR). But really anything designed to loosen muscles is going to help you here whether it's stretching, some yoga, etc.

EDIT: Also don't forget Serotonin isn't just a brain neurotransmitter, 90% of it is produced in the intestine and it also regulates muscle contraction.

06-03-16, 08:49
I'm sorry your not feeling great I'm having a week like that too. My heart is beating really fast, I'm feeling sick, my skin feels sensitive, can't wait to go to bed to sleep but then keep waking up, finding it hard to have interest in anything and just a general feeling of waiting for a new low. Iv got so much to be happy for but can't feel happy. I'm going to try and push myself today to enjoy a family day hopefully that will change my mood

06-03-16, 11:25
I am sorry too. Most days I have similar problems. My legs won't go properly, and
I have a lot of tension almost everywhere in my body.
I should be happy too, Just pushing myself today xxx

06-03-16, 11:34
Magic, I know what you mean about 'Pushing' yourself, but if you change that word to 'Float', it sometimes helps. :hugs:
And just remember that are legs are strong, it just feels like they are heavy and weak at the same time. :hugs:

06-03-16, 19:33
Magic, I know what you mean about 'Pushing' yourself, but if you change that word to 'Float', it sometimes helps. :hugs:
And just remember that are legs are strong, it just feels like they are heavy and weak at the same time. :hugs:

I've been doing the floating thing since about 2003.. I should do it more as I generally forget when anxiety comes calling, and go into freak-out mode! xxxx

06-03-16, 19:44
There have been many threads with this theme on the boards. Saying you're not in the right frame of mind to search and read?... I'll call you on that as you're certainly in the right frame of mind to write, post and read your own thread ;)

The Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) list has them all and then some as well as a logical explanation for why they happen.

Also, in posting a thread like this, it tends to steer sufferers, including yourself into focusing on the negatives and away from doing something about them as in treating the real reason behind them.

I'm truly sorry you're feeling bad, but it can and will get better as you walk the healing path.

Positive thoughts

06-03-16, 22:56
There have been many threads with this theme on the boards. Saying you're not in the right frame of mind to search and read?... I'll call you on that as you're certainly in the right frame of mind to write, post and read your own thread ;)

The Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) list has them all and then some as well as a logical explanation for why they happen.

Also, in posting a thread like this, it tends to steer sufferers, including yourself into focusing on the negatives and away from doing something about them as in treating the real reason behind them.

I'm truly sorry you're feeling bad, but it can and will get better as you walk the healing path.

Positive thoughts

I don't think this response is very fair to be honest. When I posted I could hardly see and I had a look through the symptoms section but couldn't find anything. Maybe I looked in the wrong place?

Isn;t this supposed to be a place for support? I'm sure I'm not the only person to start a thread on something that's been covered before. Just wanted some dialogue.

06-03-16, 23:16
No, you're not the first nor will you be the last. Just scrolling to the very bottom of your post yields similar results and posts.

But let's examine your symptoms....

Currently I have:

- Blurred vision (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Eyes_Blurred_vision_Eyes_sensitive_to_lig ht_Dry_watery_or_itchy_eyes)
- Pounding heart (but not overly fast) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Heart_palpitations_chest_pain_irregular_b eats_flutters_skipped_beats)
- Legs like jelly, feel like I can't walk. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Weak_legs)
- dizziness - sometimes have to hold onto things as feel like I'm going to fall over (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Dizziness_or_light-headedness)
- intense pressure/tension in shoulders and neck (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Muscles_muscle_tension_stiffness_muscle_t witching_tight_scalp_or_neck)
- sudden feelings of vertigo, like I might pass out (I have never ever fainted so I don't really know what that would feel like) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Dizziness_or_light-headedness)

I'm sorry you feel this is unfair. That certainly wasn't my intention. I posted a link to where you could find every symptom you're feeling and why you're feeling them. You said you couldn't find anything in the Symptoms link but it's all there.

While it may be cathartic to write out your feelings and it's good to know you're not alone, focusing on your symptoms only gives them life and prolongs them. There are scores of threads that illustrate this.

Again, I'm truly sorry you're hurting. Anxiety causes all sorts of real physical symptoms and you're obviously feeling a few. It's scary I'm sure but it's not sinister. Treat the anxiety and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

07-03-16, 05:48
I don't think this response is very fair to be honest. When I posted I could hardly see and I had a look through the symptoms section but couldn't find anything. Maybe I looked in the wrong place?

Isn;t this supposed to be a place for support? I'm sure I'm not the only person to start a thread on something that's been covered before. Just wanted some dialogue.


You asked for comparison, you asked for advice on how to treat them. Sadly, this was ignored here. And you are right, you are not the only person - 99.9% of the threads that probably go on the Symptoms board (and lets not forget the HA board) can be searched for or read about somewhere so to not state this on all of those posted on but to state it on yours it somewhat hypocritical.

Focussing on symptoms is not good BUT if what you asked is focussing on symptoms then so is any visit to a GP. :doh:

It is also unfair to insinuate your thread will be negative for others, the same could said for again the 99.9% and yet it is not said on those?

It's true that the symptoms article is very useful BUT it is NOT every symptom known to anxiety. It hasn't been updated for ages from what I can see and the HA article doesn't even match the definitions used by our own NHS so there are discrepancies from what I can see. It's not a medical document, it is a thorough document though. However, it can help being able to talk through things to make sense of them rather than read a webpage otherwise places like NMP wouldn't serve much of a purpose anyway.

Please don't be put off. ONLY Admin can say what is posted and why on here, regardless of other beliefs or at least that's what I hope. :whistles:

07-03-16, 06:01
Thanks Terry,

I was just starting a discussion, rather than trawling through old threads trying to find something which matches my experience.

Yes focusing on symptoms can be unhelpful but trying to understand them IS helpful, to see others have the same thing is reassuring. My latest symptoms are new and not what I have experienced in the past so it's hard to get my head around them and not be a bit alarmed.

I understand that the majority of my symptoms are anxiety related (and now sleep-deprivation related) but also wonder if some of it is medication related and it's hard to separate what's what. If it's anxiety then I have to deal with it and figure it out, if it's medication then I need to review my meds as they may be doing more harm than good.

I have an appointment with psychiatrist tomorrow so will hopefully shed some light on what's happening and put a plan in place to get some improvement happening!

07-03-16, 07:41
That's the thing, Shaz, research and act. It's the same with reassurance, for some of us it helps a little and allows us to accept. But I think because this place is so skewed towards HA there is a tendency to assume reassurance is a pattern of all anxiety disorders or all anxiety sufferers - it is NOT.

Something that can be hard to understand as well is how a symptom feels. There are many symptoms articles across the internet but you can read things sometimes over & over and still not be able to translate it or compare it. Talking to others who can elaborate or help you from the outside is very useful.

09-03-16, 17:42
My anxiety symptoms seem to be a lot more mental than physical but my physical symptoms include - nausea, dodgy feeling stomach, diarrhea, pounding heart, palpitations, lump in the throat, very tense and stiff chest, upper back and neck muscles, tension headaches, dizziness or light headed, no appetite, tingling or pins and needles anywhere in my body but mostly in my face or head. I can deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety most of the time. Its the mental symptoms that really get to me.

09-03-16, 18:06
I'm the complete opposite! I have all those physical symptoms and it makes it so hard to get through the day (I'm a teacher), even though I know I will feel worse if I stay at home. I find it really difficult to accept the feelings and get on with my day, and just look forward to getting home and having a lie down. Sometimes I would rather have the mental symptoms - although I am sure if I did I'd soon change my mind.

09-03-16, 19:49
Awww - I have a lovely blend of both physical and mental - physical - I vomit immediately when I have a panic attack, heart pounding, nausea, cold waves, short of breath aaaaaand as a bonus, intrusive thoughts and meta worry - such a fun combo *said no-one ever

10-03-16, 00:06
This thread is interesting as I've recently learned how my anxiety works.

I've noticed that I get a kind of strong sensation in my head, usually near my temples. I noticeably become nauseous. I kind of get a "poisoned" feeling, like there is something seriously wrong with me, like my nerves in my chest are painful.

I've actually noticed that all of the above are linked to adrenaline. This explains why I can also feel terrible after good events. For example, I felt sick and shockingly depressed after I got a new car, or when I went on a night out and got lots of female attention that I wasn't expecting and didn't know how to deal with. Each of these things represented a significant change in my life, but were actually positive. They also created a ton of adrenaline.

I twigged that adrenaline has an almost poisonous effect on my body and moods, and now I know it, I can cope a lot better and I am starting to become able to enjoy things without anxiety ruining them. When my mood drops so shockingly, I can always see why and how it's happened, which creates a drastic improvement.

Hopefully this will help other people whose "spontaneous" mood crashes may not be quite as terrifying as they think...

13-03-16, 06:17
Hello, I'd just like to say that I'm sorry you're dealing with this! I recently just got over a rather horrible few months of anxiety, and I definitely had a lot of physical symptoms.

- tingling/prickling in hands, feet, legs
- dizziness
- visual disturbances
- pounding heart/feeling like its skipping beats
- headaches
- numbness/weakness in my arms/hands
- hyperventilating
- random pains throughout my whole body

I woke up nearly every night with a pounding heart and just this awful sense of doom even though nothing was wrong :(

But what you're experiencing definitely sounds like anxiety to me so I wouldn't worry too much, good luck!:yesyes:

13-03-16, 16:33
Normally my Physical symptoms would feel the same as what I would feel trying to attempt a stunt on my skateboard from my childhood. My legs would be shaking like mad, and my whole body would be feeling a lot of adrenaline. The only difference is my mind wouldn't of been focused on the what-ifs as much as it would be now. If I was suffering from the Anxiety I was today back then I would of just chickened out of the stunt and ran home sobbing. I'm glad that Anxiety wasn't in the background as much in my childhood because I'm certain that it would ruined a lot of the good experiences for me.