View Full Version : Worried family

06-03-16, 11:16
Does anyone else have a family who doesn't understand anxiety and doesn't just allow you to try to get better in their own time? My mum is fine, and says the right things. My dad and brother seem to think that if they sound annoyed and worried I'll magically be well again. It's very complicated, as these things always are. I've tried to reassure my dad that I'm not physically ill at all, but it's just something in my head which is unpredictable.

I'm about 2.5 weeks into mirtazapine at 15mg. Before then I tried sertraline but that really didn't suit. I found the first week was really good, but the last few days I've been more and more tired during the day, still sleeping about 9-10 hours a night. No weight gain, but that may be down to becoming a bit agoraphobic and still having to food shop for myself.

Anyway, I just wonder how families cope when there is a spot of illness like this. I'm single, I live alone, and my family is about an hour away, so not far,but not down the road either. They think I've been working part time,ha ha. Unfortunately that gives the impression I'm better than I am.

Also, will someone please tell me that the tiredness and apathy will wear off very soon, so I may resume interest in my life?

Many thanks.

06-03-16, 20:22
I'm sorry you're having to go through this without real support from your family. I'm really lucky to have a very supportive husband and parents and in-laws...it makes it much harder when the people around you don't get it.

I think the tiredness should wear off in the next few weeks but obviously we all respond differently. Unfortunately there's lots of people on these threads who have struggled with meds as those who don't have no need to be here. I took Mirt on its own at 15, 30 and 45mg and it didn't help much so added Venlafaxine which has made a massive difference. I guess you can only try them out until you find what works for you. 2.5 weeks is still early days so hopefully you'll see some improvement in the next couple of weeks.

All the best.

07-03-16, 06:40
Thanks for this.

Yes, having a supportive family would be a real bonus, though I'm glad they don't suffer like I do. Parents being a different generation also difficult. Oh well, I have lots of things to feel positive about, despite that.

Your feedback about mirtazapine also a very helpful. Yesterday was a v bad day energy wise and motivationally, but today I think I've got more get up and go already! Because I've tried so many things to try and get better, I'm determined that I'll be fine on 15mg very soon.

Have you tried using a MindSpa, which is a meditation machine? I did before attempting the mirtazapine . Knocked me right back in the confidence department, so reluctantly had to go with what the doctors suggest.

All the best for your continued progress.

07-03-16, 17:17
I'm glad to hear today has been better for you, hope it's the start of many better days.

I've never tried MindSpa - sounds like it wasn't a great experience for you?

I'm trying to be more disciplined with practicing mindfulness as I think it will help me but I think I needed medication to get me into a place where I could even start doing things like that. Now I'm almost back to "normal" on the meds I'm trying to put a few things in place to prevent possible relapses.

08-03-16, 07:44
I did have a good day yesterday, except first thing when I attempted to go shopping. While driving there my old problem came up, nausea. As per mindfulness I tried to focus on it rather than fight it. I stuck with it to a point, but couldn't actually do the shopping. I went back to car and burst into tears! Sounds bad but they were healthy tears. I feel that I turned a bit of a corner, even though I was disappointed of course that I couldn't do the shopping.

I live next door to tesco which has been my life saver while I've been ill. When I was using the MindSpa I got to the point when I couldn't even go there! Genuinely frightening as I live alone.

I'm hoping I'm recovering and like you I'm in a better place to be more receptive to mindfulness. It really does sound as if it works.

Tomorrow I must face my parents, which I think is possible now! Feels great.