View Full Version : i am very angry for no reason, when i should be relaxed and happy

06-03-16, 11:42
Hi there, I'm feeling really quite short tempered and angry! Why though!? This happens all to often, does any one know how to bring myself back down on a level. Feeling very wound up but for no real reason.. Any help, tips, advice are most welcome. I have tried breathing exercises with this one but doesn't help, just makes me more irate

06-03-16, 13:31
Irritability can be associated with depression, I feel like hitting someone with stupid things when I'm depressed, noises, people, music on the radio. Moods are funny when recovering from anxiety, sometimes you just have to go along with it because your chemicals are all up and down in your brain and trying to balance out. Try not to get angry at yourself for feeling angry! Don't feed into it! Just feel it, and move on.
Also it could be a medication you're on, or coming off?

06-03-16, 14:24
Hi, thanks for the reply.
That's makes sense, not to feed in to it, although wait quite distressing.

I'm not on any medication, not sure if a good idea as I drink a couple glasses of wine in the evenings (to relax after work) and I understand that ofcourse alcohol is a depressant but I suppose its an easy quick fix.

You day this anger is linked with depression?? I don't feel depressed more frustrated if anything. I'm a bit concerned because i get nasty with my partner when he's ever so good to me, and my son.. My patience just goes and I end up shouting like a loon for no good reason, when usually I would say I'm quite patient. It affects them and its not fair, I feel awful but this anger becomes too much. Like today when I posted this I was fuming with nothing when I should be enjoying a lovely mothers day, in the end I had to go to bed, not because I was tired but to try and chill out. The worst thing my partner doesn't know any of this, he just thinks I'm insane, but how can I give this excuse for everything.

Ps thanks for replying, and like you I would love to just thrown things and trash the whole house... But from previous experience years ago when I would just completely trash a room, and find I've broken the lovely things I've had.. Well as you guys just one big circle sat in a pit of mess.. Sorry for the essay.. But really thank you for seeing my post and replying.. It helps

---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 14:20 ----------

Gosh, just read through that, sorry for the awful spelling mistakes, I'm using this site on my mobile and the screen is very bad!

06-03-16, 15:55
You could try keeping a diary and see if the angry moods are triggered by anything...menstrual cycle, menopause? Or if the amount of wine affects it or maybe not enough sleep? It could be lots of things! If you feel stuck you could always mention it to your doctor. Good luck finding out!

06-03-16, 20:50
Keeping a diary is a very good idea! I'm not sure I have the discipline to stick at it but its definitly with a try! Thank you

06-03-16, 21:47
I find I get really impatient and irritable at the slightest thing.. particularly adverts on tv! I have to try and remember that my nerves are over-sensitive and that I wouldn't usually bother! xx


07-03-16, 05:52
You day this anger is linked with depression?? I don't feel depressed more frustrated if anything.

Anger is an emotion, everyone feels it. It's not associated with depression, it's associated with all people BUT mental health conditions can cause emotions to be stronger, quicker to experience, more intense, etc.

Depression is one group of mental health disorders where anger can be this way, so are anxiety disorders. There are far many more disorders anger is raised in.