View Full Version : What Do Floaters Look Like?

06-03-16, 17:44
Hello all! A few weeks ago I noticed that I had a few floaters, and they worried me, so I went to an eye doctor. It was a new place so they did a full exam, checked my peripheral vision, took pictures of my retinas (very cool, apparently this is more detailed than an eye dilation?), checked my eye pressure, the works.

When you see an eye doctor, there's always the person, "assistant" for lack of a better word, who sees you and runs a few tests before you see the actual doctor. I mentioned my floaters to her and because I'm young (17!) she suggested having the picture taken of my retinas. I did this, got the full pictures instead of the cheaper, smaller ones, and I went in to see my doctor. She said my retinas were perfectly healthy and did not mention anything about my floaters, I am wondering if the "assistant" mentioned them to her at all, or if they were even worth mentioning. The only thing unusual about my eyes is that they are a few ticks high as far as pressure goes (20 in one eye and 22 in the other, I believe). The doctor told me that we would keep an eye on my pressures but that I shouldn't worry because I don't have glaucoma or anything because I'm so young. My dad also has high eye pressure and has all his life but that's his normal, so I am wondering if it is genetic.

Anyway, my main question is what are floaters supposed to look like? I know the main scary thing that floaters could mean is a retinal tear, but my retinas are fine so it's not that. I'll try to describe them.

Two are very classically floaters. One is opaque, sometimes slides in front of my view and then floats away, it's sort of oval shaped and about the size of a quarter in my vision. The other is an inky sort of spiderweb thing, in the corner of my eye I see it when it's bright outside, when I move my eye it flicks to the center of my vision and then back away to the side however I can't focus on this one as it's always too far in my peripheral.

However the ones that bother me are in both eyes, they look like little tiny bubbles that stick together and float around, they change shapes but the bubbles are always attached aside from a few stray ones. It's sort of like a small screen over both eyes, and these bubbles are opaque and seem to be connected by little strings, but once I notice them they're all I can see and I don't stop noticing them until for instance I go inside and it gets darker. I always thought floaters were supposed to be single shapes, maybe sickle or web shaped, but never dozens of tiny bubbles that float across my vision (they do float, they're not static).

Is there any sort of virus, sickness or otherwise that could cause these bubbles or are they just blobs of cellular debris in my eyes?

09-03-16, 17:44
I have two floaters that are always there whereas others come and go. One is like a clear wiggly worm and the other is like a black dot of intertwined semi see through worms all clumped together and they both move with my vision. Sometimes they are really noticeable and feel as though they take up my most of my vision field and other times I barely notice them.