View Full Version : Pulmonary embolism ... I don't want to Google. Help me think logically

06-03-16, 18:58
So I went to urgent care yesterday because of leg pain. Doctor said it's most likely muscular because there is no redness or swelling. But then she said she wants to send me for an ultrasound to rule out a blood clot. I thought, "great! I'm glad she's thorough" ... but since she thought it wasn't an emergency, I have to wait a couple days to get my ultrasound. That's fine.

But then I remember I forgot to tell her I've had some mild sharp pain almost like gas where the upper stomach/lung area is. It's been 5 days and it comes and goes. Now my anxiety says it's a lung clot! And she didn't send me for chest scan to see if I have a clot there. And what if the leg pain IS muscular, but the chest pain is a clot. Then it's been missed and I could die.

I keep telling myself I have no risk factors... not taking birth control, I'm not pregnant, haven't recently given birth or haven't had recent surgery, I'm not too sedatary (but I am a housewife and the only activities I do are light house chores) , I'm not overweight , and as far as I know my INR and aapt blood clotting tests were within normal range a month ago. I also had a d dimer a month ago that was normal (but the leg and chest pain started after my d dimer test) ...

I don't want to Google because I know it'll tell me a very general list of symptoms for PE like chest pain . So can anyone here help me rationalize who has had PE or know exactly what type of chest pain to look out for.

06-03-16, 19:15
You're a young woman with no risks, negative test results and an all clear from a medical professional who's sending you for a non urgent additional test for reassurance and to cover her butt ia at no risk for a PE. You're hyper focused on every niggle so naturally your anxiety is up. Believing that is another thing.

Positive thoughts

06-03-16, 20:18
My friends husband had pulmonary embolism after a long haul flight or should I say during the flight and he had severe chest pain and breathlessness and sought medical help as soon as the plane landed. He was also a heavy smoker at the time. He told me that there was no doubt that he had something very nasty going on and even he, being a man who never went to the dr, knew he was very ill.

Its good that the Dr is ticking the box by getting you a leg scan but it does sound like you have pulled something.

06-03-16, 20:21
My friends husband had pulmonary embolism after a long haul flight or should I say during the flight and he had severe chest pain and breathlessness and sought medical help as soon as the plane landed. He was also a heavy smoker at the time. He told me that there was no doubt that he had something very nasty going on and even he, being a man who never went to the dr, knew he was very ill.

Its good that the Dr is ticking the box by getting you a leg scan but it does sound like you have pulled something.

Do they known if his came from his leg? Imy going on a 3 hours flight. I'm going to make sure I get up and walk every half hour and drink lots of water. I know it's not that long of a flight, but I figured it would be helpful if I did that. How long was his flight for?

06-03-16, 22:49
He was flying from uk to usa. this was before things like flight socks were available to help with leg dvt on planes and he had predisposition to it because of his heavy smoking/drinking at the time.

Get some flight socks and drink plenty of fluid during the flight and you will be fine.

06-03-16, 23:00
Help me think logically

I keep telling myself I have no risk factors... not taking birth control, I'm not pregnant, haven't recently given birth or haven't had recent surgery, I'm not too sedatary (but I am a housewife and the only activities I do are light house chores) , I'm not overweight , and as far as I know my INR and aapt blood clotting tests were within normal range a month ago. I also had a d dimer a month ago that was normal.

You've helped yourself :)

Positive thoughts