View Full Version : Unrelated - how many times do you bicker with OH?

06-03-16, 20:28
Daily? Weekly?

For me it's over little things like him not listening. We never full blow into a row just niggle at each other and I guess I'm wondering if this is normal. First proper relationship at the tender age of 25 (been a year together). I love him with all my heart and vice versa, just irritates me soemtimes.

06-03-16, 20:34
I'm twenty four and have been with my partner for almost two years. We don't really bicker at all, some things he does annoy me but I try to not to moan too much. We went through a bad patch of about a month that was because of my anxiety. I think it's normal to bicker sometimes though, it depends on the person. Some people like to have arguments to show they both care and others don't. As long as you're both happy :)

06-03-16, 20:36
As far as I'm aware we've always been a bickering couple. We don't throw or smash or shout or push. We both get annoyed with each other. Very alike which works 90% of the time. I just don't know if it's normal and ofc I worry it means something is wrong with me.

06-03-16, 20:43
I think it's perfectly normal- no two relationships are the same and if you're both happy that's all that matters. I would sooner bicker than have a full blown argument. Bickering comes with spending quite a lot of time with someone and from being similar I think.

06-03-16, 21:56
That's exactly what it is lol, we've both said this. both stubborn