View Full Version : Someone please help! Anxiety is ruining my life

07-03-16, 00:50
I am 21 years old and had anxiety problems since I can remember but it has gotten allot worse and am getting symptoms such as sore painful chest and panic attacks due to CONSTANT worry and it's taking over my life.

Right now I need someone's help because on the left Side of my head it feels weird like a pressure or pulsing inside and sore when I push on it, is this anxiety ? Please help ASAP

07-03-16, 01:02
Hi, it's likely that your stress and anxiety is just working overtime and making your blood pump rapidly around your head. The tight feeling in your chest is exactly the same thing.
Its really hard to tell yourself this and that it is likely to be stemming from anxiety, but it is a huge possibility and very likely.
Try and do something simple, like washing your face in cold water or putting some moisturiser on your face slowly, massaging the temple where the pressure is. Just breath slowly and deeply in and out then unwind your body from toe to head, it can help. Hope you feel better soon :-)

07-03-16, 01:11
Hi thanks for replying. I'm just sick of feeling like this and eveytime something happens to me I freak out and think I'm going to die and this might sound silly or irrational but to me it's real and it's absolutely horrible I hate myself for it, hopefully it is just anxiety it's at the top of my head on the left side not going away someone hurt my back yesterday and I'm worried they've caused my brain to swell or something :(

07-03-16, 02:14
Your brain isn't swelling. Your anxiety sounds like it's real high, like mine. I've experienced the same thing as your describing. You're not alone.

07-03-16, 02:48
I have been there too and the constant fear of dying was hell for me for years. Anxiety can throw some horrible symptoms at you but you have to try your best to reassure yourself you're going to be ok. It gets easier, something I found that helps is next time you think you're dying or have something serious, get through it however you can but the next time it happens think back to the last and ask yourself "did I die? Was what I was telling myself true?" It may help you reassure yourself. You're not alone though I went to A&E countless times over suspected brain tumour, heart attacks, MS, you name it I thought I had it but I was always wrong, it was anxiety