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View Full Version : anxious about a few day ago solar plexus(abonmen) injury

07-03-16, 04:31
Okay me and my friend were horse playing at his apartment after a few drinks. He had knocked the wind out of me(it was an accident). It had hurt a bit. He did apologize.

I didn't cough blood or vomit or have blood in my urine or stool. I do have some sore dull pain. I rate the dull pain about 2-4.5 scale at times. It varies. The pain has decreased somewhat. I believe the blow was somewhere in the solar plexus area.

This happened early Wednesday morning.

I haven't had no shortness of breath.

I went to an urgent care clinic on Friday night to get it checked out. An xray of my abdominal area was fine . I did an UA at the clinic and it showed no blood in my urine. The PA at the urgent care clinic said, if I still have problems I could get a CT or ultrasound to further rule things out or go to the er.

Then again, I'm unsure if I have any real injuries or not. I haven't had any vomiting of blood spells or coughing blood or shortness of breath. Just some dull tender pain(2-4) range I'd assume.

How long should I wait it out? I know, I'm not dying or anything because wouldn't it been bad right there and then at first impact.

I do apply ice hot cream on the area at times.

I can eat without any issues or complaints and can urinate and defacte okay.

I just wanted some opinions from you all.