View Full Version : Horrendous headaches... what is it

07-03-16, 06:31
Hi everyone. . . Me again.
Hopefully someone can help me out here. I havent had much help in getting a response to some other posts

For the last few months I have been getting reallt bad headaches.. out of the blue and with no indicators. I had an mri that came back completely nor.normal with nothing to show what the cause could be.
I'm prettysure they missed something becsuse I have been getting really bad head sensations to go with my headache for ex.. the inside of my head feels hit..like acid
I sometimes feel this horrible pressure inside my head that makes me feel like im nit getting any oxygen or air

.the pressure makes me feel like im goijg to pass out
Pain inside my temotes abd my eyes... when my eyes really open and i have a headache I feel like my.head is getting to explode
... i get dagger like feelings in my eyes... i get super dizzy. Alot of vertigo. I see floaters.
Its really bad. Today has been the worst.
I have had terrible nausea.. vertigo... temple pain.. ringing in my ears and serious neck pain that offers no relief no matter what I do.
I'm really scared. I think the scan missed something... or I think k i may have lyme disease.

I feel like im losing my mind. I cant concentrate... im forgetting things.
I'm only 30 years old.
What's happening to me.

Can knots in my neck cause all of these sensations.
Shoukd I be worried that I have lyme or aneurysm.
Is there something anyone can say to help me out here

Thanks in advance everyone

07-03-16, 08:30

07-03-16, 10:24
This doesn't sound like migraines because all my bones and all my muscles start hurting all over my body without me having done anything strenuous. I havent slept in thtee days either.

10-05-16, 04:18
dont worry,lack of sleep can cause headaches and those symptoms.lyme absolutely no and aneurysm is very rare.relax the mri was fine nowadays they dont really miss anything

---------- Post added at 03:18 ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 ----------

also floater,ringing in ears are very common in the general population and are benign,most dont notice them but for the anxious ones we worry and feel everything.

10-05-16, 06:02
There's another post on here at the moment about head pressure etc. it seems a lot of people with anxiety suffer with this.
I recently had awful headaches for about six weeks while I was going through a stressful time. It worried me I can tell you, which probably caused more headaches.
Stiff and sore neck is another typical anxiety problem that can also cause headaches.
Dizziness and a fuzzy head all go along with this too.
The more you worry about it, the longer it lasts.
Try to work on relaxing, drinking water, walking, breathing exercise and eating good food. Some foods like chocolate can trigger a headache.

13-05-16, 22:18
It sounds a bit like occipital neuralgia. I had this for a while after a massage at a salon where the therapist pressed really hard on my neck - I carry a lot of tension there anyway. Nerves run from this area to the top of the head and behind the eyes. This can lead to feelings of pressure, nerve sensations and what is known as 'lightning bolt' headaches where the pain comes on very briefly and intensely but goes quickly.

You can get prescribed Amiltrypline (sp?), the anti-depressant drug for it which also works to help relax the nerve. It didn't really help me though. What I did was had some regular back and neck massages which I think helped release tension in the back thus possibly untrapping the occipital nerve (just my theory). It took about two months but the occipital neuralgia eventually went away.