View Full Version : worry

07-03-16, 12:25
Who finds it hard to believe this is just anxiety when you,ve got all these symptoms. Its hard and a worry. X

07-03-16, 13:25
I have always said that if I didn't have any symptoms I wouldn't have health anxiety but its just not that simple sadly!
Everyone has symptoms which is something I didn't realise for a long time, I assumed everyone else was perfectly symptom free and healthy because they were not mentioning anything.
Its how we react to symptoms thats the crux of health anxiety. My husband gets a headache and he has a headache and he might be fed up with having one but he does not worry he has a brain tumour or worry that the headache will never ever go away, both things that I would do. This can apply with any symptoms you can think of.
He goes to the GP because he would like to get rid of whatever the symptoms may be, not because he thinks that the symptoms are a sign of anything deadly, whereas we all go because we want reassurance that the symptoms are not caused by something deadly.
Its our reaction that is totally different from none HA people.

07-03-16, 21:03
Thank you so much country girl. You,ve made me feel alot better. Xxx