View Full Version : Freaking Out :(

07-03-16, 23:10
Hi guys,

Im new to the forum so hi :) have always suffered from GAD but it has become consistently worse in the last 6 months (due to both my father and mother being ill and moving to a new city) In the last 3 weeks I have been to hospital twice because im terrified theres something wrong - ive been having headaches, jaw pain etc. They have done bloods etc but nothing seems to be wrong (but my head tells me they have missed it or not done it properly). Im just struggling to convince myself they havent missed something - a lot of the time i feel like im noticing things i wouldnt usually or getting pain because im so tense. Its a vicious cycle :( I dont want to keep going back to the doctors/hospital. Does anyone else find they seem to make up pain in their head when they are so anxious or is it real and should I be worried?

Hope I posted this in the right place!

07-03-16, 23:31
The pain is probably real - but not dangerous! It really sounds like the stress is making you tense, and you are clenching your jaw (either during the day or at night when you sleep). This can cause some nasty headaches too...been there.

Our minds are pretty powerful AND there are so many physical symptoms associated with anxiety. With HA it's a vicious cycle - panic, feel physical symptoms, panic more, etc.

Have you ever received any help for your anxiety?

07-03-16, 23:39
Thanks for your reply :)

I have in the past and Im due to go back this week so Im hoping that helps. Ive always been able to manage my anxiety with yoga/meditation/exercise but now it seems to just be spiraling and im feeling like Im drowning most of the time & these physical symptoms are not helping :(