View Full Version : been diagnosed with hiatal now what?

08-03-16, 00:48
Due to constant OCD wretching I've given myself a small 2cm sliding hernia, I'm interested do these fix themselves over time and if so how does reducing the acid of my stomach play a part, I was happy that my esophogus and stomach came back normal and not raw to bits like they feel so I left pretty sharpish

08-03-16, 14:34
You can't fix a haitus hernia other than with surgery but you can lessen the symptoms with dietary changes, weight loss if necessary and of course taking drugs that reduce stomach acid.

I was diagnosed with one when I was 20 after pregnancy and had to go onto the old type anti ulcer drugs a few years later which I still take, but they are nowhere near as effective as the modern proton pump inhibitor tablets like omeprazole so I also have to stick to a very strict diet and omit all the foods that give me acid reflux. I get bad side effects from the modern ppi drugs but I know load of people who take them and they work fantastically.

09-03-16, 09:57
i was originally on 15mg lanzoprasol with no side effect, but when i go up to 30 mg my belly pops and bangs/wind? and generally goes bigger through the day is that what you had

09-03-16, 13:06
Thats a very common side effect of those drugs. Can you stay on 15mg to avoid the side effects as this dose should help?

09-03-16, 13:37
I think I will