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View Full Version : Moving House and Mould - Help!

08-03-16, 10:43
Hi all. I've waited many years to get myself into housing association accommodation, and now I have a beautiful flat. It's everything I've wanted.

BUT... I had my boxes in storage and some of them (before putting them in storage) were dusty and probably had mould on them.

I've moved in and while I kicked up the dust/mould I think I've cleaned it up now.

However, I'm in a crazy situation. Until I moved in I was living with a friend, no problem. Now every time I go back at night I don't feel too good. I got into bed last night determined to stay and sleep, but as soon as I was comfy I started to feel my heart thump and race.

I don't know if it's cos there's still mould in the flat or it's in me or I'm anxious about being on my own again. It was never a problem in the past as I lived on my own for years.

The only other thing I've done is use a rug doctor to clean the carpets and decorated the lounge.

I still wake up with a stuffy nose and runny eyes even when staying at a friends so I'm thinking there may still be mould in my system. The knuckles on my hands (especially my right hand) have dry and cracked skin, which if I remember wasn't there before I lifted and moved the boxes. Even putting them in my car and driving to my flat I was starting to sneeze.

I wanna go home and enjoy my new flat, but I don't seem to be able to.

Anyone else had a similar experience?

Many thanks

09-03-16, 07:20
Not one reply!

09-03-16, 13:39
Two questions:

> did you see mold on your boxes, or just guess it was there?
> has your current apartment had a mold problem?

The only real thing that seems like it could be due to mold is the sniffles/sneezing - but that could be down to allergies, too.

Obviously it's not ideal to be exposed to mold, but some people aren't effected by it at all while others seem to react allergically - sneezing, watery eyes, etc.

Have you gone through your apartment and just done a spot check? Look for areas where moisture could be getting in, or check the bathroom. Maybe ask other tenants if they've ever had a problem, or your landlord.

It sounds like much of this is just anxiety, but with a new place it doesn't hurt to give it the once over. If it's clean, you're fine - IF there was mold on your boxes only, it should have cleared your system by now. Also, you would have seen it.

Congrats on the new place!