View Full Version : gasping for air during sleep.

08-03-16, 13:42
It happened to me a couple of years ago but it hasn't taken my whole attention and worry until recently. I am a waken by a sudden need for breathe and gasping for air then everything is ok so I fall back to bed. It happens 1 or 2 times a year. It didn't scare me when it began a couple of years ago but this week it happened again and here when a a very high anxiety about it escalated. I visited a doctor who said that there a slight collapse of the throat tissues and prescribed medicines to see if there is any progress otherwise surgery is an option according him. All these caused my anxiety to touch a high level. Im really worried and developed a mild sleep anxiety. Searching google for calming myself down made things worse. I am very worried about the idea of surgery as well.
Have u ever get this happen to u ? Should I worry about it ?

08-03-16, 18:00
I've had it happen before a few times yes. It's terrifying to wake up feeling like you can't breathe. One time I had it where it was because of acid reflux and the acid got into my airway. Struggled to get a breath for a good 5 minutes - terrifying, lol.

BUT - your body will never forget to breathe, don't worry about that. What it could be is acid reflux, or it sounds more like sleep apnea. Do you snore a lot? I found a device that moves my jaw forward slightly to open the airway and stop the tongue falling back. My wife hasn't complained since I got it and I stop the snorting / breathing issue.

It doesn't sound like a common thing for you to have this happen, but maybe look into a snoring device or something that opens the airway better like a pillow.

08-03-16, 19:19
I've had it happen before a few times yes. It's terrifying to wake up feeling like you can't breathe. One time I had it where it was because of acid reflux and the acid got into my airway. Struggled to get a breath for a good 5 minutes - terrifying, lol.

BUT - your body will never forget to breathe, don't worry about that. What it could be is acid reflux, or it sounds more like sleep apnea. Do you snore a lot? I found a device that moves my jaw forward slightly to open the airway and stop the tongue falling back. My wife hasn't complained since I got it and I stop the snorting / breathing issue.

It doesn't sound like a common thing for you to have this happen, but maybe look into a snoring device or something that opens the airway better like a pillow.

Thanks lifelong. I found what you said helpful.