View Full Version : Neuro symptoms...Only getting worse...

08-03-16, 21:11
Probably for six or so months now I have been experiencing symptoms which are only getting worse and worse.

1 - joint pain, especially hands. My hands have changed shape dramatically, my fingers have gotten larger and more inflamed and my thumbs get very sore and hard to move when they get cold (e.g when walking with hands out of pockets in street and the winds cold. The muscle from the knuckle (first finger) to the bottom of thumb on left hand is also getting weaker and wasting away it seems...
2 - when i smile my mouth/lips/cheeks start shaking uncontrollably. This happens instantly as soon as I lift my lips. My legs also shake when standing...
3 - my fingers are also shaking a lot too. My thumbs are the worst. They shake when texting etc.
4 Jaw pain/eye pain left side only. I also have large lumps under my ear (the spot where if you press it causes pain - the "pressure point") I was thinking maybe that's an ear infection (both sides) or something and maybe pressing on a facial nerve causing the tremor/twitching when smiling?
5 my mental ability has declined considerably too - i lose track of sentences, i have to think about what to respond with, my brain goes blank etc all the time.
6 - i can see my heartbeat through my abdomen area since 2014 and it has gotten stronger and stronger since. My body moves to the heartbeat If I am sitting still - I can feel it. When my heartbeat gets stronger, my entire body can shake - it feels somewhat dangerous to me...??

would really appreciate any help...or any idea what it could be...i have a neuro later this month (23rd)...i know theres a number of problems...but if anyone has similar/knows whats wrong i'd be happy to listen...

i did have psoriasis...maybe this could be psoriatic arthritis? or at the same time...something like MS...


08-03-16, 21:57
Even before I got to the bottom of your post i was thinking a type of rheumatoid arthritis which psoriatic is one. A neuro would not deal with this though it would be a rheumatologist. Your Gp can do the basic blood tests for this anyway. If your rheumatoid bloods are negative then its unlikely to be any of the rheumatoid conditions.

What does your GP say about all this??

08-03-16, 22:03
Even before I got to the bottom of your post i was thinking a type of rheumatoid arthritis which psoriatic is one. A neuro would not deal with this though it would be a rheumatologist. Your Gp can do the basic blood tests for this anyway. If your rheumatoid bloods are negative then its unlikely to be any of the rheumatoid conditions.

What does your GP say about all this??

Very little to be honest. I did ask regarding p arthritis and he pretty much discarded it as at the time and even now but not as much, I'd get tingling in fingers and arms. My left arm also feels weaker but that may be due to the shoulder joint area being inflamed??

I did have blood tests and all came back fine. Very good vitamin and mineral levels too. Nothing was wrong. I don't believe for P Arthritis there is a blood test for it though I may be wrong?

08-03-16, 23:00
Hello :)

Just want to try and reassure you about number 6. This has probably been there all along but you're only just noticing/focussing on it. It is likely your aorta which is a relatively large blood vessel, it's very common to feel it pulsing especially if you lie on your back and are quite thin. I went to Dr with this in a wild panic a few years ago, he examined me for about two seconds, and said 'it's your aorta, its very important to your wellbeing and I'd be extremely worried if you couldn't feel it!'.
If I focus on my heartbeat I can feel my whole body moving too. Are you slightly built? If you're thin its more noticeable.
I hope you manage to get your other symptoms sorted but I really think number 6 is OK...no harm in getting your Dr to check if you're still worried, it literally took 2 seconds!

Lin x

09-03-16, 06:46
Hello :)

Just want to try and reassure you about number 6. This has probably been there all along but you're only just noticing/focussing on it. It is likely your aorta which is a relatively large blood vessel, it's very common to feel it pulsing especially if you lie on your back and are quite thin. I went to Dr with this in a wild panic a few years ago, he examined me for about two seconds, and said 'it's your aorta, its very important to your wellbeing and I'd be extremely worried if you couldn't feel it!'.
If I focus on my heartbeat I can feel my whole body moving too. Are you slightly built? If you're thin its more noticeable.
I hope you manage to get your other symptoms sorted but I really think number 6 is OK...no harm in getting your Dr to check if you're still worried, it literally took 2 seconds!

Lin x

Hi not only can I feel it, I see it all the time too. If I wear a t shirt my t shirt will start moving too. If I see it...should I be concerned?

I am slightly well built. I've lost a lot of weight recently ... I've also lost a lot of muscle. I haven't exercised in a while...not sure if it's because of the lack of exercise or something else. I've not been eating as much either. :/

09-03-16, 13:09
There are no specific blood tests for most rheumatoid diseases but the general rheumatoid blood tests give an indication of this sort of inflammation in your body that would warrant further tests so having the all clear is good.

As has been said your pulsing aorta is very common in alot of people and not necessarily a sign of anything untoward. If your Dr has felt it then its def okay as they can feel if there is any swelling.

09-03-16, 13:35
You've had these symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=177011) for over a year. I'd take MS off the table at this point. Seeing the heartbeat thing is another to take off the table. As you've said, you've been tested and all is well in that aspect. I have a gut feeling you'll get the all clear from the neuro as well.

Are you getting any treatment for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

23-03-16, 19:36
Probably for six or so months now I have been experiencing symptoms which are only getting worse and worse.

1 - joint pain, especially hands. My hands have changed shape dramatically, my fingers have gotten larger and more inflamed and my thumbs get very sore and hard to move when they get cold (e.g when walking with hands out of pockets in street and the winds cold. The muscle from the knuckle (first finger) to the bottom of thumb on left hand is also getting weaker and wasting away it seems...
2 - when i smile my mouth/lips/cheeks start shaking uncontrollably. This happens instantly as soon as I lift my lips. My legs also shake when standing...
3 - my fingers are also shaking a lot too. My thumbs are the worst. They shake when texting etc.
4 Jaw pain/eye pain left side only. I also have large lumps under my ear (the spot where if you press it causes pain - the "pressure point") I was thinking maybe that's an ear infection (both sides) or something and maybe pressing on a facial nerve causing the tremor/twitching when smiling?
5 my mental ability has declined considerably too - i lose track of sentences, i have to think about what to respond with, my brain goes blank etc all the time.
6 - i can see my heartbeat through my abdomen area since 2014 and it has gotten stronger and stronger since. My body moves to the heartbeat If I am sitting still - I can feel it. When my heartbeat gets stronger, my entire body can shake - it feels somewhat dangerous to me...??

would really appreciate any help...or any idea what it could be...i have a neuro later this month (23rd)...i know theres a number of problems...but if anyone has similar/knows whats wrong i'd be happy to listen...

i did have psoriasis...maybe this could be psoriatic arthritis? or at the same time...something like MS...


Well? How did it go?