View Full Version : Yet again having a panic attack

little kyle
09-03-16, 09:40
I was on the phone talking to my mum about something..

And the subject was a frustrating one. after the call had ended i have became anxious don't know why other than being frustrated also does not help being on my own in my flat as i feel i need reassurance i'm okay.

The only symptom yet again that is disabling me is the feeling im not getting the right amount of air or that feeling air feels light..

The feel creates alot of fear for me like it would for most people.

I tend to always think the worst i tend to sometimes say i'm dying or i'm going to die out loud or i think of it inside my mind..

No matter what medical tests i have had done still this feeling scares the crap out of me...

i tend to force breath than soft breathing..

09-03-16, 10:08
Have you been to the doctors about it or do you take any medication for it?

Just remember this feeling will pass in time, ive learnt not to fight the panic attacks now as they last much longer when I try to fight them and stop them.

If you feel youre not getting enough air...try standing near an open window for that little bit of reassurance, to convince your brain, actually yeah I am getting enough.

Hope it passes fast for you.

little kyle
09-03-16, 10:25
Im on mirtazapine 15mg which are total garbage to be honest..

Doctors keep pushing me away like this problem i have is not an actual problem.

Even though i have been told i have panic disorder.

Its like they don't care about one persons mental health.

09-03-16, 10:54
yeah im on mitrazapine at the min, I dont find they do much other than make me eat and sleep.

Push the docs, mental health is a big issue they cant just push it aside, they need to monitor you. Ask them to refer you for therapy, you may find that helps and ask them if you can try a different medication

10-03-16, 07:41
I was on the phone talking to my mum about something..

And the subject was a frustrating one. after the call had ended i have became anxious don't know why other than being frustrated also does not help being on my own in my flat as i feel i need reassurance i'm okay.

The only symptom yet again that is disabling me is the feeling im not getting the right amount of air or that feeling air feels light..

The feel creates alot of fear for me like it would for most people.

I tend to always think the worst i tend to sometimes say i'm dying or i'm going to die out loud or i think of it inside my mind..

No matter what medical tests i have had done still this feeling scares the crap out of me...

i tend to force breath than soft breathing..

Hyperventilating is responsible for so many panic attack symptoms and one of the most useful things I've learned is to calm myself down by concentrating on calming my breathing down. I do the 7/11 technique and it's almost impossible not to relax when breathing this way. Also I notice when I am catastrophizing and when the thought comes into my head that 'I'm going to die', I change it to 'This is my trillionth panic attack and I'm still here. These are just feelings and it will pass'. I also try not to fight against the panic attack. Instead I work with it. I go and walk the dog or do some energetic housework. It works.
It is incredibly frightening when you feel like you can't breathe but just keep telling yourself that you have simply taken in more oxygen than you need and a few minutes of breathing properly will bring things back into balance.

All the best